To Err Is Human To Forgive ---Divine, And Ariel Castro

Without Prejudice

People often wonder how you can forgive someone that has caused you great harm. As in the case of Ariel Castro, his victim, survivors, had to forgive him to be able to move forward. But they can never forget. And why should they ? Forgiving him allows them release from the past. They were not those people, they were people under stress, horror, no way out. But they triumphed in the end over him.

He is what he is, an evil monster, a psychopath with no remorse. He has no sympathy for his victims or their families. Every day for all those years he was denying their right to know their child was alive. Three families. I should imagine the families would like to be able to do to him what he has done to their children.

I remember years ago in a court overseas that a mother walked into a court and shot dead the man that had tortured and killed her nine year old daughter. Who would blame her ? I would not want that monster to live either. An eye for an eye, revenge, cold and heartless just as he was. Psychopaths can't be cured. I don't know why we bother spending money keeping them alive, unless it's to study their behaviours, their brain.

The Mother was allowed to walk free of murder.

Everyone in the world understood her cold cocked hatred, was behind her as she aimed the gun. That is not going to bring her daughter back however does he deserve to live ?

Forgiveness is the ultimate revenge.

We are told revenge is a dish best served cold. When the white hot rage of fury has died down. The white hot rage that could be enough for any human being to commit murder. Any one can kill. Depends on the circumstance. If a Mother has to protect her child, she is capable of killing. In France a man or woman could be considered innocent if they found their wife husband In Flagrante Delicto, caught in the act of a sexual nature, their insanity, temporary, the crime passionel, a crime of passion.

In Flagrante Delicto means literally In Blazing Offence.

In flagrante delicto

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In flagrante delicto (Latin: "in blazing offence") or sometimes simply in flagrante (Latin: "in blazing") is a legal term used to indicate that a criminal has been caught in the act of committing an offence (compare corpus delicti). The colloquial "caught in the act", "caught red-handed", or "caught rapid" are English equivalents.

The phrase combines the present active participle flagrāns (flaming or blazing) with the noun dēlictum (offence, misdeed, or crime). In this term the Latin preposition in, not indicating motion, takes the ablative. The closest literal translation would be "in blazing offence", where "blazing" is a metaphor for vigorous, highly visible action.
The Latin term is sometimes used colloquially as a euphemism for someone's being caught in the midst of sexual activity.[

Crime of passion

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In the United States civil courts, a crime of passion is referred to as "temporary insanity". This defense was first used by U.S. Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York in 1859 after he had killed his wife's lover, Philip Barton Key, but was most used during the 1940s and 1950s.
In some countries, notably Francecrime passionnel(or crime of passion) was a valid defense during murder cases; during the 19th century, some cases could be a custodial sentence for two years for the murderer, while the spouse was dead; this ended in France as the Napoleonic code was updated in the 1970s so that a specific father's authority upon his whole family was over. 

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