Internet Dating ---- The Dark Side

Without Prejudice

As anything on the Internet can be used or abused, Internet dating also has a dark side, a vary dark side that can include assault, sexual assault, robbery, burglary and even Murder. I am sure that there are many happy " hook ups " relationships forged, friendships made and kept, marriages, engagements, babies made, families blended. And that's great and happiness to all !


The dark side is more than dark and that is because one essential element is missing in Internet Dating, a face to face meeting before a date.

In a social meeting, at work, a party, a club a face to face meeting tells a lot of things about a person. There has to be attraction, a chemical reaction, then you may get to know a little about his or her friends, family, background. For women intuition can come into the play.

 A meeting of the eyes, a touch of the hand via a handshake, a " feeling " , my brother in law said once when meeting one of his daughters new boyfriends.

" I've just shaken the hand of a wife beater ,

 " he just " knew". Subsequently his daughter never went out again with that dude or dud.

Usually within a first conversation in a face to face meeting you can tell a lot about a person.

Do they meet your eyes when talking to you ?

What is their body language like ?

Not to be crude but how do they smell ? Is their a speed sweat ? An acrid odour. Too much after shave that is covering something else ? All these questions are asked, discovered at a face to face meeting. Most women are tremolous creatures. If they meet a man on the Internet and then decide on a date they are already behind the eight ball.

He will invest time and money in the date. The drive there, petrol, maybe. New shirt, new aftershave, phone calls back and forth. He then might think ( not talking about all men here, just some ) that he has invested quite a bit in the date. If he's a good guy that won't matter. But to a bad guy it might be a manipulative tool he uses on the woman.

She might feel that she " owes" him something, he may have picked her up, know where she lives, knows if she is on her own and when. And if he has picked her up she then has to get back home. He could follow her home, who knows. The murder committed in Victoria recently was a case of just that.

They met, he took her to the movies, he followed her home, found out where she lived, came back two days later and bashed her to death with a cricket bat.

Another one picked up a girl for the movies, during the day, took her to a caravan park in Hastings and sexually assaulted her. He was caught as was the murderer.

The murder in Victoria was committed when her little 4 year old was asleep in another room.

A friend of a friend works in the sex offenders program, the Internet dating sites are full of sexual offenders. And full of plain old tossers who sign themselves as anything 69, anything horny, anything like anon wank. They are easily avoided, not so the ones that use fake photos, fake a profile and there are thousands, literally thousands of those.

Then there are the honest tossers who think honesty pays off. They say they are married, with someone, curious, bi, S M, kinky. No photo but hoping for a woman looking to take him on. My question is, what for ? I cannot think of one female I know who would find that even mildly attractive. They can't pay $70 at a brothel ? Cheapskates.

No, they want sex for free, don't want any female coming back to hurt his reputation, home and safe hearth. Is he dreaming ? I can only think he is very deluded. Some men have said to me the sites are full of not hundreds, not thousands, but of hundreds of thousands of married women.

The thing is the sites make billions of dollars a year, and there are not that many matches. Not if their memberships are in the millions. And all that attention can be very addictive. They have their place in the world but like anything are open to abuse. A person hiding behind a computer  could be anyone, anything.

One famous case of a love rat gone wrong was a guy called Sebastian, he romanced a lot of women at once. Sent gifts but avoided face to face meetings. One lady took to the Internet for answers after months of being given the run around. He had a broken leg, a car crash, never asked fir miney, sent flowers and gifts instead. One was a bottle of expensive perfume, with a mirrored surface, took a photo if it to send before actually posting it. Reflected in the mirrored surface was a big blonde woman.  Oops .

Turned out to be a woman that was portraying herself as a man. The alleged Sebastian. She was lonely, she said, hoping that when the fictitious man let these women down, she would pretend to be another of his victims and clean up where the man had not. Now that's truly weird. So just be aware , be careful and if you are the least bit gullible or trusting, avoid them like the plague.

And me ? Well I met two, went in dates but there was no attraction.

Love Nette x

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