Dealing with Family Illness

Without Prejudice

One of my girls has lately been through a long serious illness that went on for almost a year. I was never so frightened, never so stressed, never so despairing. To me she is now and always will be the happiest of my girls. As a baby she smiled, ate and slept.

A perfect baby with a dimpled cheeked smile that lit up a room. As a toddler she ran through life, forever delighted, endlessly happy. On waking in the morning or from a nap, she would say,

" I waked up now !"

She was a happy Buddha, a nine pounder that had to be put on a diet at six weeks and she was fully breast fed. She loved, she laughed, she was happy.

Then when the illness came it was hard to believe that happy girl was gone. At 38 she went from happy to depressed. Only people that have had a seriously ill family member know the strange world you enter into, the world of constant unending illness.

 It's a day by day proposition for a Mum. I wanted to give up, give in, run away, not watch, not hope, not give in myself, stay positive, fall down get up again and again.

I didn't want to, I had to. I cried a lot, prayed a lot, asked on my knees, begged. I would have rather suffered the pain myself than have her go through it.

 Everyone deserted her, abandoned her, not understanding, only my oldest Grandson and her 2nd oldest child persevered. And Me. We just kept on. And in the end she did it all herself. She hit rock bottom, bounced down, fell down but in the end she gritted her teeth and climbed back up. And it was a long hard climb. One step forward and ten back but she just kept going.

She lost everything, her pain palpable. Her life as she knew it, went. Husband, kids, house, money, her sanity, her belief in herself. She went down so far we all thought her illness was permanent.

But somehow in someway, she began to get better, she came back to life.

Back to real life, husband, kids. No doctor could help, no hospital, no professional, it had to be her.

It can happen to anyone. Illness can happen to anyone.n

She came to see me today with the 2nd oldest child that refused to abandon her. Her daughter never let's her out of her sight. It was great. She was laughing, back to normal completely, as if she had never been ill and she looks outstanding.

 Always a big girl she shed 40 kilos and has kept it off. A tiny size 10 now. She wears her daughters skinny jeans and for someone that has been big all her life, the effect on her self confidence has to be seen to be believed.

Her husband has always loved her, adored her, big or small, she is his Queen. And he is her King.

I am just so grateful and back in love with life as my darling happy girl is back. Thank you God. I feel like I can breathe again after months of holding my breath. Fill my lungs with the rich heady air of wellness, my girl is well, my girl is well.


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