Depression and Harry O'Brien

Without Prejudice

I feel for Harry O'Brien, I really do. It's hard to deal with depression, everyone struggles with depression, it's not like you can make best friends with it, dealing with it is a daily struggle. But it can be managed, it can be made better, you can live around it.

Depression is usually hereditary, often endemic and will often be set up in childhood when a child is developing. If he/she struggles with sexual abuse, and probably physical abuse. The fears of a child set in a unstable environment will result in depression if not addressed with counselling. And the thing about sexual, physical, emotional abuse of a child is that it is done in privacy. The child is not to blame but the silence is what sets up the damage.

The perpetrator is always to blame, not the victim, the child. This sort of behaviour should be dragged out into the light. The child fears to tell. But other family members, friends, Teachers, all of us should be taught the warning signs, so that we can help. A child's life is at stake, and one day the child grows into an adult. The adult could then wreak havoc on others because of the damage.

We need massive campaigns against it, we need education about it. I think most people have the message, now, about the dangers of smoking, we get it. Spend some of the money on Violence prevention. It's not a nice subject, but it exists, and for some reason is getting worse. We have the best of times and yet we are becoming more violent, more physical assaults are happening, road rage, customer rage, what is happening ?

Have we lost ourselves in the drive to have more, want more, ?

How have we evolved as human beings ? Have we the kindness, compassion, the "real stuff" that matters or are we just self serving consumers, always wanting " More"

Less is more. Faith is more, family is more, health is more, both mental and physical. Happy people make a happy society. What is wrong with the society we have created. . Are we disengaged as humans from the real life we should be leading. A decent, grateful, humble life. Not a " I have a $250,000 car, a Mac Mansion, a boat a Prada handbag " style of life. What's wrong with less.?

Footballers are revered in this country, make fabulous money, but are prone to huge problems. Gambling, violence, rape charges, depression. I read David Schwartz's book with interest. The more money he made, the more he gambled. He hit rock bottom.

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