Being Your Own White Knight

Without Prejudice

As girls we believe in fairy tales. We are taught that the white knight will come along one day to rescue us. Release us from our tower and battle the dragon. He will draw his sword and slay the dragon and rescue us. And we will live happily ever after in a land far far away. What a load of crock. As Ita Buttrose famously said once, there are not that many Princes, but there are lots of frogs.

I am going to teach you how to be your own White Knight and rescue yourself and it certainly takes work, but the end result will make your life happy and content.

Firstly realise in times of trouble no one person can be the be all and end all in your life. If it takes a village to raise one child, it will take people, many people, to help you with yours. Hang on to your girl friends as you will need them. Especially hang in to the ones that will tell you the truth, you need honesty and even envy to spur you on.

Have also plenty of males. Old friends, your Dad, brothers, uncles, nephews, even old flames as they will also tell you like it is with an unbiased opinion. Dry your tears, and be prepared to fight fir what it is you want for your life. And tell other women the truth, they need also to hear it. I am beyond realistic with both my Grandsons and Granddaughters. Don't whitewash the truth.

You are going to have to "gird your loins" and fight for what you want in life. The cavalry is not coming, white knights exist in myth and fairy tales only. You will become your own rescuer and above all else, do not listen to the nay Sayers. 80 percent of comments are negative. It's far easier to believe the negatives than the positives.

The first thing and most important is deciding what you want. As women by our very nature, we are nurturing creatures. We kiss others "boo boos" away. Even as children. We are told that we are "weak", soft, and lesser than a male. Boys shouldn't hit girls, but we know they do.We are told to be "nice" to be quiet. Boys can roar and shout and have all the fun, while we are taught to be demure.

Forget everything you have been taught and decide what it is you want and write it down. Write down three goals you want for the next twelve months and number them. 1,2,3. Write them, even if you don't believe you can achieve them. You can and you will. Put aside everything else, empty your mind of its endless chatter and just write. Put them away for a month and ask a friend, a relative to follow you up in a month.

Change comes slowly, nothing happens overnight. By the writing in your own hand something magical happens. Your brain by the writing transfers thought to action. ( I learned this fact in Uni). You must write it, not type it. Then forget about it all together and get in with what you need to do.

Preparation is key. If you have decided you want to lose weight, say. Don't tempt yourself. No one has will power, so preparation will have to be done. Clean out your fridge and cupboard of all the snacks and goodies. Not, now at Christmas as you won't have a hope. The festive season is to be enjoyed, so enjoy it. Dont feel guilty, no one loses weight over the festive season.

Camp Eden stated you are allowed to have 20 percent junk, every day. Its important to have something to look forward to. Also the weight loss journey is about health, not vanity, health is what you put into your brain. If people ask and they will and some will try and sabotage you, just say I am going without for my health. People understand that better.

Never say the word diet as it conjures up the idea of deprivation. Exercise will come but let it first be about the food. The ratio is 70 percent food and 30 percent exercise. Food is fuel for your body. You need it, it's not going to disappear and you have to learn how to deal with it. Don't worry, you will. I tried exercise first, then food, didn't work. Food is the thing that makes us put on weight. And you will find that out. I realised no one came out of a concentration camp, fat, they lived, God bless them on next to no food.

Prepare to be "hungry". I have a daughter that has been fat phobic all her life. She told me to push through that starving starving feeling. She lately has put on 2 kilos and is very happy about it. Sges one if those people that is naturally thin and says it uses more difficult to put on weight than take it
off. I have never had that bother.

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