Yvette's Getting Married
Without Prejudice
Yvette's getting married, yaay, I feel like celebrating.
February 14 th next year, finally. I have waited soooooo long for this day. To Peter, the babies, Cruz and Acer's Dad. It will be simple and meaningful, can't wait. Peter is half her age, nearly, but Yvette has always looked like a teenager and they are in love.
God, that means I could marry Clint, he's only 25 years younger than me. Ha ha, I can't, anyway, he wants a family, kids, one day. But if I had to pick a partner it would be the youngest, too. Get them young and train them. I've only known him most of his life. Wonder what his Mum, would say ? I'm only joking I have no intention of marrying anyone.
I was married for 20 years, then engaged for 10 to Nev, then lived with someone for 5. That's enough sacrifice for anyone. Two I still speak to, amazingly. Me, Little Miss Bossy Boots. I would not wish my anality on anyone. I love being single, no one can tell me what to do. I hate that. I am happy for Yvette though, she wanted to be just like her Sisters. The ring, the dress, the whole
big deal.
If I know Yvette it will be to Billy Idols White Wedding. Just some friends and them, no big "do". She will probably have 2 witnesses and then her and Peter can go and have a massive holiday for a honeymoon. That will be heaven for the both of them. What will she wear ? Anything fits her. Maybe a simple slip like dress in satin. Very Kate Moss with probably thigh high white boots underneath. We are talking Yvette here. The Rebel Yell child.
Or maybe a tutu in pink and gold lame bodice, a copy of the first outfit she insisted buying herself at 8. She was determined to have it. A simple meal after of Maccas and sundaes. I hope Vicky, Peters Mum makes it. She has been so sick with cancer.
And I hope one of Yvette's seven boys gives her away. I always imagined them all walking her down the aisle. Her own Men In Black, aged, 23 to 2. So cute in a tux each. And sunnies. God Bless them and I wish them all the best,
And with a satisfying nod of fate, Clint rings and insists on coming over, lucky me
Mum x
Yvette's getting married, yaay, I feel like celebrating.
February 14 th next year, finally. I have waited soooooo long for this day. To Peter, the babies, Cruz and Acer's Dad. It will be simple and meaningful, can't wait. Peter is half her age, nearly, but Yvette has always looked like a teenager and they are in love.
God, that means I could marry Clint, he's only 25 years younger than me. Ha ha, I can't, anyway, he wants a family, kids, one day. But if I had to pick a partner it would be the youngest, too. Get them young and train them. I've only known him most of his life. Wonder what his Mum, would say ? I'm only joking I have no intention of marrying anyone.
I was married for 20 years, then engaged for 10 to Nev, then lived with someone for 5. That's enough sacrifice for anyone. Two I still speak to, amazingly. Me, Little Miss Bossy Boots. I would not wish my anality on anyone. I love being single, no one can tell me what to do. I hate that. I am happy for Yvette though, she wanted to be just like her Sisters. The ring, the dress, the whole
big deal.
If I know Yvette it will be to Billy Idols White Wedding. Just some friends and them, no big "do". She will probably have 2 witnesses and then her and Peter can go and have a massive holiday for a honeymoon. That will be heaven for the both of them. What will she wear ? Anything fits her. Maybe a simple slip like dress in satin. Very Kate Moss with probably thigh high white boots underneath. We are talking Yvette here. The Rebel Yell child.
Or maybe a tutu in pink and gold lame bodice, a copy of the first outfit she insisted buying herself at 8. She was determined to have it. A simple meal after of Maccas and sundaes. I hope Vicky, Peters Mum makes it. She has been so sick with cancer.
And I hope one of Yvette's seven boys gives her away. I always imagined them all walking her down the aisle. Her own Men In Black, aged, 23 to 2. So cute in a tux each. And sunnies. God Bless them and I wish them all the best,
And with a satisfying nod of fate, Clint rings and insists on coming over, lucky me
Mum x