No Smoking

Without Prejudice

No smoking the signs say, the packets now draped in black. I have no bother with that. My Mum and Dad chain smoked and four ofmy siblings have never even picked up a cigarette. I have many a time and have now given up. Two years ago, thanks to a voice on the phone (God?) who said,
"Are you still smoking ?
"Smoking, what?, " I asked.
There was a good 11 seconds of silence.
Oh yes, dear readers there was a time that I smoked the wacky tobaccy, as well, also given up. I don't drink either, and that was easy as my parents were tee totalled. Pubs were only for alcoholic men and a low class of woman.

My argument is this, now that I am the dullest creature you could ever meet. How come alcohol is not also draped in black packaging ? Alcohol has destroyed so many marriages, relationships, lives. It should be draped in black.

No one gets in a car and after having one puff of smoke too many and kills other human beings. But one drink too many does. When do we get sensible?  When is enough, enough? And as for Ice, no not the one that goes in drinks, the one half of Melbourne is supposed to be on. Methamphetamine.

One old lover once told me ten years after we had split that he had been in cocaine the whole time we were going out. The demands of his night time job necessitating he said. You could have knocked me down with a feather. I had no idea that you could even get coke in Australia  twenty years ago
. I knew speed was around, but coke ? No wonder he was an exhausting lover.

We once stayed in bed an entire weekend. We had sex all over the house, ate, drank and at the end of this incredible weekend, I was sacked. My boss, who was married, and had a crush on me, found out that I was with the said night tanker driver and sacked me. The guy was kept on, too valuable to the company for his work ethic, which was incredible. Ha, now I know why.

He dudn't bother to share of course not that I would have coke, anyway. I feel about drugs the same way I do about alcohol. I had speed once, drank in a drink on New Years and was still partying the next day while others that had had more were throwing up in bushes around me.

I had LSD once by stealth from a man that thought it would be fun to see his friends as messed up as he was. My advice. Don't even go there. He wanted my ex husband to swap partners and luckily my ex just grabbed me and locked me in the bedroom. The friend he had to threaten to get rid of him. He said he wasn't leaving until he had at least a kiss off me. Ugh.

That's it, my sum total of drugs. I miss sometimes having a coffee and a cigarette but I don't want to die. I want to be around for the grand kids for a lot longer. Hell, I raised their parents, somebody has to do it, keep an eye out.

Amazingly, none of Yverttes boys have touched drugs or alcohol
, which is amazing with their Dad being like Charlie Sheen on steroids.  After  watching Ozzy Osbourne the other night I hold out a small glimmer of hope for their Dad. He had two alcoholic grandfathers. Ozzy and the boys father both admit to alcohol being their drug if choice. It usually lies underneath all the addictions. So easy to get, so cheap and for some socially shy gives them a personality they don't have without it.

It is also the gene most readily passed on. Luckily the boys have a Mother that hates alcohol. She and I are the same, we have drunk it but quickly vomit, scream abuse, or take off all our clothing.  . Not a good thing when you are a woman and Mother.

So ban all alcohol or drape it in black labels, and I will be very happy.

Love janette

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