Honest Men

Without Prejudice

I am lucky to have brothers. I grew up with brothers and they protected me, were my rivals and absolutely gave no quarter just because I was female. They taught me to be competitive, to be tough if I had to be and ambitious. My brothers have lovely lives and they are honest about men and mens issues. Refreshingly honest.

My older brother told me that ALL men are selfish creatures, they have to be, its written into their DNA. They have to be circumspect and proud and he also said that when men get together they talk about shit mainly. They don't expose their feelings like women do.Thats why they like a woman around as woman are nurturing and caring. And when men are being bastards they know they are being bastards and don't give a shit.

They will never apologise as they see it as a sign of weakness, they will only apologise if they need to. They are devastated if their wife or girlfriend leaves them as referenced in my story, Secret Mens Business. Men hate rejection and love and fear women and womens power. Number one fear of a man is rejection by a woman and women's number one fear of a man is being hit.

We speak different languages and it is only through my brothers I get to understand the male psyche at all. Thank God for them as I like men but most of the time I didn't understand them at all. I now realise, they hurt but try not to show it. Stiff upper lip and all that. I realise they are under enormous pressure to be something in the world. They have to face off against other males in the world all the time and that alone is daunting.

Women dress to impress other women and men buy things to impress other males. Its a chest beating thing. I have the best car, the best house, the best bank balance. Women send signals to other women by dressing better, being skinnier, more attractive and definitely more educated. I had the worst time when I went back to school when I was 32, from other females. It was ludicrous and very hurtful, but my ex husband then gave me the best advice, he just said,
Fuck em

He only became interested in my going back to school when I hit jealousy and envy from other females. Before that,  drunk, he tried to run me down with the car. He needed me in the business and thought school would take me away from helping him. In the end I was able to do both with the help of the school and being allowed to get a part time office girl in.

The pressure at VCE level was intense, the assignments, the essays, the studying. I had 4 kids and a hubby and a business and just before the end of year exams I was ready to give up. But my ex hubby said there was no way I was giving in as I sat on the back step crying. I had to fight and finish and I did with honours. I just ignored every one else around me and concentrated on the end goal.

I was good at school and I knew I was intelligent but wanted to be popular too and it wasn't going to happen. I had to think of myself and not about what others said or did. I has to think like a Man. Also I think my ex hubby feared the more awards I won would eventually take me away from him and it did in the end. I realised I had something that was mine. He was successful in the Business but education was mine, mine, mine,

My brothers always tell it like it is. They say sex is just a dick thing. Sometimes I don't want to know and stick my fingers in my ears and go La La La as they are still mt brothers and I don't want to hear about their sexual prowess. My oldest brother slept with a friend of mine and rang me up and told me and said he had an NSU and wanted me to tell her. I was horrified anyway and told him to tell her himself.

They all hate women for a while if they have a break up. They call them names and get all hurt and silly but its temporary and doesn't last. men replave and Women grieve

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