Budget Tips For Family Health

Without Prejudice

One of the greatest inventions of the last century or some say the greatest invention of the last century is hot running water. It cuts disease of course. makes germs sterile and used properly is a cheap effective cleaner for everything. Especially for Family Health.

If there is sickness in the house wipe all your light switches, door handles, computer screens, keyboards, phones, electrical switches (carefully) with a towelling rag wrung out in hot water. Wear gloves if you have to but I prefer not. (Sheraton cleaning tip, gloves are bulky and slow you down ) also rough towelling from old cut up towels is what we used as it has grip and scours surfaces really well. Its cheap too.

Change towels daily and ensure that you and your kids wash your hands regularly. I once had a chinese student satying with me who I noticed never washed his hands and he liked to cook for me. I had to tell him that it is in our culture to wash hands after visiting the loo, before cooking, after smoking, the list went on. My ex husband would not eat out at exotic restaurants for the same reason. He wasn't sure how clean the workers hands were in the kitchen.

Wipe down daily the top of the toilet, taps, clean the soap, I scrape with my fingernails and wipe the tops of soap dispensers and bins with hot water. I also like to use a concentrated disinfectant that smells either like apples or eucalyptus. Never ever flush the loo with the lid up. It showers the toilet, ensuite, bathroom with fecal matter and no one wants that. Teach the kids, especially boys this tip.

I clean the loo every day and use thick paper towel and then flush it. Keep thick paper towel in a cupbaord in the bathroom and boxes of tissues if you'd rather. I ckean the handbasin and shower with equal parts salt and baking soda mixed ina paste and ammonia and water as a spray once a week. The smell is not great but you can add some of the apple disinfectant or Pine O cleen, the eucalyptus one. My Mother In Law used Janitor cleaner which was both a soap and disinfectane and I loved the clean smell. It also sudsed up really well.

Wash hand towels and towels on the rail every day. If there is sickness around soak in a bucket of hot water first if you use cold water wash, and who doesn't these days? Even better make sure that the person who is ill has their own towel at all times. With the boys we colour code their towels and make sure they don't cheat.

Dispose of all used tissues, every few hours, bag and throw out, sickness is contagious, especially in a big family, if one goes down they all go down unless we isolate them and quarantine them and kids won't stay in bed, especially boys, they will run and jump even if they seem to be dying of cold and flu. The only thing that floors them is gastro and make sure you have a bucket next to their bed and they know how to vomit in to it and not hit the floor.

I haven't had cold sores for years but recently suffered a bout. I made sure to scour my cup, glasses and plates in hot water. They can spread like wildfire. One tip I find and its a cheap one is that as soon as you feel a tingle or shiny bit on your lip, dab it with cheap perfume or after shave every 15 minutes. You have to do it as soon as you feel the tingle or it won't work but if caught early enough it will "kill" the cold sore and stop it from forming. Ice too will work but make sure you wrap it in a clean cloth. Cold sores are a pain.

I suffer from chronic rhineitis which means my nose is blocked most of the year round. I have woken my own self up with my snoring. A simple tip that works, especially in hay fever season is to coat the inside of your nose with cheap old fashioned Vaseline. It coats the tiny hairs inside the nose and traps the pollen before it gets to the sinuses. I check the pollen count everyday on the internet and stay indoors with windows and doors shut on high pollen days.

Hay fever is miserable and can be relieved with sprays and medications but I have found that none of them work for me. I had a friend that had the desensitising injections but eventually the hay fever came back. I never had one bout of it when I lived in Queensland. But Victoria is my home and its full of pollen because of our wonderful gardens and green grass. Be careful on lawn mowing days, cut grass smells divine but not to an allergy sufferer.

Rain helps hay fever as does drinking coffee, surprising;y, so does staying indoors but that is not always practical. I coat inside my nostrils, eyelashes, and lips with Vaseline and hope for the best. A saline solution of salt and water poured into one nostril and allowed to pout out the other helps as well. I do that daily if the pollen is high. Some days I feel like wearing a mask, serious.

With Hay Fever, I find my eyelids swell and I wake up with crusty eyelashes and that is with the bedroom windows closed. I love fresh air in my rooms but if I have to keep them closed I burn pure eucalyptus oil in an oil burner. If it is really bad the old fashioned cure of your head over a bowl of steaming hot water with Vicks in it also helps. Hot food will make your nose run, especially hot spicy soup and that relieves pressure too. 

Simple panadol helps with the pain and headaches and a warm face cloth pressed to your sinuses also relieves pressure.

Vinegar applied immediately on stings, bee stings, mossie bites, ant bites, blue bottle stings works very well. With bee stings make sure you scrape the sting off and don't squeeze it. You will just squeeze more venom into the skin. You can scrape with a fingernail, or flick it. Then apply the vinegar or ice as soon as possible. It works and is cheap.

More tips to come..............

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