Summer Holidays
Without Prejudice
I love the Summer Holidays. We don't have to taxi the boys to school, back and forth, and we can sleep in late, although I am a terrible sleeper so am always up early. My oldest child has just been away with her family to Eden, caravanning. How I envy them but I have their house to myself and it's cool and has dogs and Foxtel. Sheer bliss.
I spend 2 weeks cleaning as a surprise for the family taking it easy and working through the heat and enjoying the cool peaceful quiet nights and I watch all the trashy things, bad plastic surgeries and top movies, documentaries on real life crime and Celebrity train wrecks of addiction. I lap it up, watching the sex and the city Marathon and sometimes love the writing and other times hate it.
Love the Fashion and the shoes and the bags, the opulent clubs and restaurants and Manhattan of course and resolve to visit once, New York and shop till I drop. I fold into me the beagle terrified of New Year Fireworks, the little maltese toughing it out and licking the beagle, Bennie's ears in sympathy as bennie whines and shudders. I love the almost sacred quiet, so nice to have time off from my hectic life.
I try and now take my life seriously and resolve to have more fun this year, more social, getting out and being with people I haven't seen in ages. I choose my friends carefully so they don't drain me as I have enough going on with kids and grandkids and friends and extended family.
I am so happy with the long silences and hushed clean house and I do a little every day on the house and enjoy it. turning up Lady Ga ga and Adam Levine and working to music
I love the Summer Holidays. We don't have to taxi the boys to school, back and forth, and we can sleep in late, although I am a terrible sleeper so am always up early. My oldest child has just been away with her family to Eden, caravanning. How I envy them but I have their house to myself and it's cool and has dogs and Foxtel. Sheer bliss.
I spend 2 weeks cleaning as a surprise for the family taking it easy and working through the heat and enjoying the cool peaceful quiet nights and I watch all the trashy things, bad plastic surgeries and top movies, documentaries on real life crime and Celebrity train wrecks of addiction. I lap it up, watching the sex and the city Marathon and sometimes love the writing and other times hate it.
Love the Fashion and the shoes and the bags, the opulent clubs and restaurants and Manhattan of course and resolve to visit once, New York and shop till I drop. I fold into me the beagle terrified of New Year Fireworks, the little maltese toughing it out and licking the beagle, Bennie's ears in sympathy as bennie whines and shudders. I love the almost sacred quiet, so nice to have time off from my hectic life.
I try and now take my life seriously and resolve to have more fun this year, more social, getting out and being with people I haven't seen in ages. I choose my friends carefully so they don't drain me as I have enough going on with kids and grandkids and friends and extended family.
I am so happy with the long silences and hushed clean house and I do a little every day on the house and enjoy it. turning up Lady Ga ga and Adam Levine and working to music