Aaargh, To Editing
Without Prejudice
Now after 497 posts I have to make it in to a book, as Publisher in the UK likes my stories and wants the full manuscript. Aaarrgh !!!! Now this will separate the Men from the boys or the Women from the girls, as it were. I have no idea how to do this unless I start at the beginning and work through to the end. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Or a journey more like of 12, 000 miles begins with the first step.
I should have become a marine biologist or a Forensic Scientist, something easy as against the butt clenching terror of being a Writer. What am I doing ? I ask myself that question every time I sit at the Computer. What am I doing and are these people that like it. just sorry for me or do they really like them. As one of my ever charming, slothy teen boys said once, "It's probably just hackers, reading your stories. "
And if I have written 497 stories I have to thread them together in a smooth and productive, cohesive way, fill in the blanks and more writing and writing and editing. Everyone says the editing is the worst part. As a writer does not want to trim words. 497 stories times a thousand words at least or more. Isn't Games of Thrones like 897,000 words ? I might as well scrap it and start all over again from the beginning.
And what if they hate it ? What if they think it's complete shit ? I have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. This is my life I am putting on the line. What if they say, you are a shit writer and you can't link anything together properly ? Is my truth enough to touch others truths ? Will I be accused of being too ballsy or trite ? I'd hate to be called trite although I've been called worse !
Ah well, there is only my memory and my attention to detail to rely on. Where are my Mum and Dad when I need them ? I'm approaching my "elderly" years and they are dead already. How can that happen ? I'm still a quaking child, stood at the door to a classroom, a strange classroom full of "others" and I have to be me , just myself.
I watched Goldie Hawn last night on I.T.A.S and she said be yourself, speak your own truth, show up ready with all your different characters in place. What if no one likes my characters, my observations of real life ? Well I guess it's like anything, nothing risked, nothing gained. I have to risk it, as it's my passion, it's who I am, my words, my observations. I recall the words that started me on this journey,
"Never Come Lightly to The Blank Page" and "Write", just write.
And this week my spell check has decided to give up the ghost. OMFG, I am going to have to check it all manually and I am already boss eyed with looking at the screen. I keep taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes, spraying the lenses with Windex as the screen goes blurry. Thats just from overuse. Why did I start this again ? Oh yes, my Brothers, my Bloody rotten brothers, wait till I catch hold of them !
Oh boy, I'll see you in a few months when I have put this thing together and I am out the other side. 6-8 hours a day, 7 days of the week, my brain fried and bleeding. I will totter out with the finished manuscript and put Finit on the bottom and then lay down in the sun and not move for at least three weeks.
Lots of Love,
Now after 497 posts I have to make it in to a book, as Publisher in the UK likes my stories and wants the full manuscript. Aaarrgh !!!! Now this will separate the Men from the boys or the Women from the girls, as it were. I have no idea how to do this unless I start at the beginning and work through to the end. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Or a journey more like of 12, 000 miles begins with the first step.
I should have become a marine biologist or a Forensic Scientist, something easy as against the butt clenching terror of being a Writer. What am I doing ? I ask myself that question every time I sit at the Computer. What am I doing and are these people that like it. just sorry for me or do they really like them. As one of my ever charming, slothy teen boys said once, "It's probably just hackers, reading your stories. "
And if I have written 497 stories I have to thread them together in a smooth and productive, cohesive way, fill in the blanks and more writing and writing and editing. Everyone says the editing is the worst part. As a writer does not want to trim words. 497 stories times a thousand words at least or more. Isn't Games of Thrones like 897,000 words ? I might as well scrap it and start all over again from the beginning.
And what if they hate it ? What if they think it's complete shit ? I have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. This is my life I am putting on the line. What if they say, you are a shit writer and you can't link anything together properly ? Is my truth enough to touch others truths ? Will I be accused of being too ballsy or trite ? I'd hate to be called trite although I've been called worse !
Ah well, there is only my memory and my attention to detail to rely on. Where are my Mum and Dad when I need them ? I'm approaching my "elderly" years and they are dead already. How can that happen ? I'm still a quaking child, stood at the door to a classroom, a strange classroom full of "others" and I have to be me , just myself.
I watched Goldie Hawn last night on I.T.A.S and she said be yourself, speak your own truth, show up ready with all your different characters in place. What if no one likes my characters, my observations of real life ? Well I guess it's like anything, nothing risked, nothing gained. I have to risk it, as it's my passion, it's who I am, my words, my observations. I recall the words that started me on this journey,
"Never Come Lightly to The Blank Page" and "Write", just write.
And this week my spell check has decided to give up the ghost. OMFG, I am going to have to check it all manually and I am already boss eyed with looking at the screen. I keep taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes, spraying the lenses with Windex as the screen goes blurry. Thats just from overuse. Why did I start this again ? Oh yes, my Brothers, my Bloody rotten brothers, wait till I catch hold of them !
Oh boy, I'll see you in a few months when I have put this thing together and I am out the other side. 6-8 hours a day, 7 days of the week, my brain fried and bleeding. I will totter out with the finished manuscript and put Finit on the bottom and then lay down in the sun and not move for at least three weeks.
Lots of Love,