I Came to Queensland

Without Prejudice

I came to Queensland to escape the Winter Chill in Melbourne and to write. To write and write and write until I could write no more. I live in a house that has an Upstairs and a downstairs. Usually resided in or I should say barely resided in by my older Brother. He is hardly ever here as he is a Business man and is usually somewhere else. So I can have the run of the house to myself. I have always been a solitary little creature that loves her own company best.

That's just me. The retreating shy introvert, most of the time. Others exuberance's soon weary me or maybe that's just the winter depression I get, not sure. All I know is that it's so easy to write. You just have to sit a typewriter and open a vein. Let others in to the "real you", the creative you, without weariness or being censored. Of course I am censored in a way by my own timidity at times.

We are only human beings after all and there are things I long to say but I still have to live in this world so it's best not to be too confronting. I don't really want followers or people that imagine that they fancy me or any other stupid stuff that goes with daring to go public. I have had my share of negatives. I have had several men comment on my stories. That the past is the past and that I should put it to rest.

But I couldn't put it to rest until I had written it and by the writing of it, understood it and then and only then could I put it to rest. And as a person that had been a fearful one a large part of my life I had to have enough physical distance to write, just to be safe. It's safer here for me and for my family. They don't need the drama and phone calls, threats of violence and other psychopathic behaviours that used to go on many years ago.

I have had it with all that and I like to know that my babies are safe and while ever I am here and not there I know they are. They can come here and one is coming in a few more weeks, my latest addition, my little great grandson and his Mum. Can't wait to show her Qld as she has never been here before to the land of the banana benders. To the sun and blue skies, salt air and sea. To the Freedom that is Queensland.

I long to show her the Gold Coast and the hinterland. Brisbane and Redcliffe. We need to dip the babies toes in the mighty Pacific and show him the beauty and the splendour of the vast Ocean, where across seas are other lands, other places and cultures. To realise he is so very small, just a spec, really in this vast planet of ours and marvel at that.

To take him to Greenmount Beach hill where the world seems to stop on hot Summer New Years nights. The waves tumbling and surging below and all above black sky with myriads of white stars. See his creation and gurgle with happy delight when the fireworks go off. Because once he has come here with his Mum, he will come again and again. Qld , is like that, it's a drug that gets in to your blood and is highly addictive.

It's so laid back and friendly up here. People smile and acknowledge you. The sun shines most of the year round and even in mid winter it's a sunny 18 degrees. It just makes you feel happier and more optimistic. The thought of the damp cold conditions of Melbourne are enough to send me screaming for the backyard coke a cola towel and a pair of thongs.

I love it so.........

Love Janette

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