Today I Start

Without Prejudice

Today I start the narrative in a big sweeping loop from beginning to end. The Parenting Tips By Crazy Bob narrative. My brother liked the title and it's my job to bring it to fruition. To honour Lauren and her sisters, my girls and their children. It will be a factual account and I keep it separate from this and it won't be read till I am finished. For light relief I shall still be writing my stories.

My book will be the thing that I will hopefully be remembered by. I want to be able to reach out to others and say in the words. Don't put up with this, don't allow yourself to be bullied or made to kow tow to anyone, just because they have a louder voice or use threats of violence to make you see it "their" way. I lived under a despots rule for far too long. And in the end I escaped. It's a book of hope and not a dirge of sorrow or wisdom in hindsight.

It wasn't just that,  it was so much more. But the thread is one of Domestic Violence and triumph over evil and it needs to be told. Don't read it or buy it in the end when I finally finish if you don't want to. It will probably make a lot of people uncomfortable and I don't care. Violence and hatred are uncomfortable things but to tolerate them in silence is worse.

I'm going to drag my life out into the light for all to read and if you get something out of it, all the better. I myself have to write it. I am now ready and I had to be ready and safe enough, far enough removed from threats to write it. It's I hope a balanced view and I know that I'm a fair minded person. I love people in my life to be happy. I always wanted them to be, but just wishing it, I now know does not make a good life happen.

People should also be fair minded and do the same but there are people out there that just take and take and to those people I say, enough! Enough with your trashy talk and your hurting of others. Enough with your lazy way of thinking and your enjoyment of feeling superior and your stupid, astonishingly selfish ways of coping. Enough of your petty jealousies and self aggrandisement.

Go blow smoke up some other poor persons butt. Someone that is trusting enough or gullible enough to believe you. This applies to the druggies I have known, the bullies I have known. the weak silly people that think this world is all about them. The world does not owe you a living, you owe the world for being here. You owe the community for the damage you have done and if you don't think, stupidly, that there is a reckoning one day, you are so very wrong.

Because right now, even as I right this there are people in the world hurting other people. It could be because of religion or creed or colour. And it's stupid, absolutely awful. Get on with life as a decent human being, because if you haven't examined your life with ruthless honesty up to now. it's about time you did. It makes me ache to see a parent beating on a child or beating on anyone. We are not animals. We are humans and until we can all evolve into better ones than the world as we know it has no hope.

Strive to be truthful, strive to be kind, strive to be the best god damn person you can be, because the world needs you to be. And that advice goes for me just as much as it does for you.

Love Janette

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