Mad Men---Purchasing

Without Prejudice

Watching Mad Man is like taking a step back in time to the late 50's and early sixties. Everything on the show xomes from the fifties and sixties era. The products, the clothes, the smoking. Things seemed so much safer then and so much has changed. Mainly for women. Sexism, of course, still goes on in business. We may get better pay and conditions but the heirarchy is still the same. The men, usually do all the big stuff and the women just beaver away. (No pun intended)

Men are men, even now with political correctness holding sway. I've been leered at, talked down to, leaned on, told off, sacked numerous times, stayed at some where things were interesting and fair. Despised some workplaces. My ex, Irish boy was a strong unionist and knew a lot of the "Irish Mafia" in the construction Unions. Powerful men, rough, tough men who held the safety of the workers in their hands.

I've done physical hard labour, negotiated with Unions and Union Heads and come out unscathed. They are still men and negotiate with a woman much better than they do a man. Mindst you I had to do a lot of please please type negotiating,       That won hands down.

I've cajoled and wheedled, just about prostituted myself to get goods in from men and they always, always did it. Without exception. It takes being nice, flattering and persistence and more persistence. I was like a bull terrier, once I had my teeth in something I was not letting go till I got what I wanted. Some of them knew that instantly and some knew later on and I always got along well with them. Purchasing is like shopping and that's why I liked it. I like shopping.

I have had to put up with some arseholes in the workplave, however. There are a lot of lazy men in offices. A lot. They like to look like they are working hard but they're not. Most of them HATE being locked behind a desk, anyway. They'd rather be on the tools. So when they are bored and lazy they get away with murder. long lunches, early leaving, late in. They get the Company cars. The expense accounts. How many women do you know that have a company car or an expense account.????

How many do you know that the men have decided are fuckable or not fuckable ?? And lets be honest here, how many women do you know that are at the top ? There is a glass ceiling, there always has been and there always will be. Until men stop wanting them to be their secretary or their Mother. In Yorkshire we say,

"If men could sleep with their Mothers, they would never leave home"

Having a male boss at work can mean you Mother him, or he's your mentor (no pun intended ) and you learn lots from him or you are his wife, ( figuratively, speaking or as in my case, literally )

I once was at a bar in Port Melbourne with a head rep of the Builders Union and I said, nicely,

"We need to talk "
He said, and I kid you not,
"Lets talk about sex"
And I replied,
"Don't be stupid, sex is boring, it's like talking about breathing"

He looked at me for a good long minute and then we started talking about work, Jaysus, he was fat, he was huge, he was Irish, with a peat bog accent you could cut with a knife, I knew for a fact his wife had left him and fled back to Ireland. Did he really assume I was turned on by him. You bet he did. He was Powerful, and there is no bigger addiction than power, Tosser !

I have always shocked the men at work with my down to earthness but that's me. And yes, we do know when you are leering down our blouses, looking at our tits like a slavering wolf. And yes, we do know you are laying bets on who gets to sleep with the newbie and it will be her losing her job, not Him . And yes I did know if I wanted time off I would wear a low cut top and get what I wanted. Men can be led by their dicks but only so far.

And yes we do know when you are picking up the phone and calling your mate in the next room to come and look at your cleavage today, we may be women, but we are not blind, dumb or deaf. We also know who you are sneaking out to lunch with and bonking in the front seat at the park or in the car park, used to happen a lot at Bosch. Surprised, we know, we are women, we are intuitive.

We are happy to wipe your butt for you as long as we get paid enough. And don't worry when we leave and dump your ass we are going to be taking one of your testicles with us. I had a man say to me once he had never paid for sex in his life, my reply

"Honey, you've paid for it in one way or another all your life and will continue to do so. "

We are quite happy to suck up to you, flatter you ( You can never go broke flattering a rich man) but even you are not that stupid that you love be surrounded by sycophants. That's no challenge for a man that likes challenges, that  are not a bore to you. You know who is toadying to you. You still have to be a Boss and to be a Boss, you have to be a bit of an asshole. I know because I've been one, and no one likes you, no one.

To be continued after I go make Myself  a cuppa xoxox

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