Naked and Waving

Without Prejudice

When Libby was separated from Jonas, she was  more than generous in her settlement  and with him,  she moved to a little new house of her own. And 18 months later he moved in a Phillipino bird, into the house that had orignally been hers,  and Libby went ape shit, absolutely mental!

She rang his home phone and left obscene messages, foul, she went into work crying every night for three months, she was a basket case. And I would try and calm her and say thing like that but you didn't want him, you moved out, but she would not be calmed.

She sued him and asked for another $10,000 in settlement and got it but still she wouldn't calm down, she started going to clubs where he would be with the new woman dancing past him, tossing her head in disgust

She began walking with a vengeance and lost 20 kilos, eating sardines and saerkraut and banana chips for the sweetness.

She joined RSVP and had glamour shots taken and in the December she was going to be turning 60 and this was the month before.

She cut her hair, dark underneath and white blonde on top and I pissed myself laughing as she looked like Andy Warhol, and I told her so.

She met some men from RSVP and she said all of them were "DUDS", Libby tends to talk in capitals, and they were all at least 20 years older than their photos.

She said it was alright for me, I could have all the white men and she was stuck with wogs, Yugos, Croats. She was a maniac out of control, pacing, smoking, drinking and crying in rage.

I still didn't understand her extreme reaction but they do say be very careful of anyone that is approaching or leaving a mile stone birthday.

She vibrated with rage and pain and wailed. She went out, buying hundred of dollars worth of clothes and cut them up, trying to change them.

She stuffed her large feet into tiny strappy sandals which killed her she said even with Happy Feet in the soles.

She went to dances and clubs and one night she met a man called Michael from Heathcote, she was sure he was the "one" and paid a private Investigator $800 to find him.

A Michael somewhere in Heathcote and he drove a 4 wheel drive. I bet the Private Investigator rubbed his hands with glee after she handed the money over to him, crouched furtively over the Gloria Jeans table, sunglasses on, trench coat tied tightly around the waist.

And I know it was cruel but I just kept thinking she's mad, she's crazy, she didn't want this man found she wanted her ex dead! And poor hapless Jonas was still berated and coughed up the extra money and she still would not stop,

The Private Investigator she never heard from and that stopped her gallop for a while, but only for a while.

As the all important birthday loomed closer she stepped up activity even further, she decided she would sleep with any one that crossed her doorstep and I don't even think she gave then time to cross, probably yanking them off the step as soon as the door was opened.

She said, you know the man that came to finish the shed,

"Yes", I replied slowly.

"Well I fucked him"


And the man that came to put tiles on the roof, I fucked him as well

and the real Estate who was a Croatian and florid and immensely fat

she fucked him

and the married mechanic that serviced her car was servicing her too.

She was drunk on whisky and semen i think, and she was determined to cut a swathe in the whole of the S.E. Suburbs, men falling down like ten pins, and I told her to slow down,

Revenge sex................

God's sake! And she wouldn't,

one day when I rang her she had to go as a naked man was waving at her from the bedroom door and I wondered what with.

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