A Fast Easy Diet

Without Prejudice



My Mentor The Racehorse With Baby No 7

There is no such thing as a fast easy diet. It's never fast, nor easy it's hard slog to lose weight. It's 70% food and 30% exercise and It's the incidental exercise that matters the most. It's doing 5 trips to the line rather than one, with the washing basket. It's the boredom of not being able to have what you want and NOW. It means doing without the butter and the mashed potatoes with cream and milk and butter. The thick sauces that ooze all over pasta dishes with nuggety little pieces of meat.

Its sacrifice to get something better, a slim healthy body and it's sheer hard work. I would love to be one of those people that can eat anything. My daughter is one and has the metabolism of a racehorse. But even, so, she works at it. She tends to be fat phobic and hates even a little weight on her body as she has never been used to it. She and a friend of mine admit it makes them feel sick to be fat. They both can't stand the thought of tight jeans.

It is the commitment to sticking with it that is hard. When you have to bypass a Burger King or KFC. Decide you hate pizza and Maccas. It's a religion of want and can't have and Hollywood actresses say it's a word and the word is, No.

When you get there, when you lose the twenty kilos it's like entering a secret society of women. The society of skinny bitches and only you and they can understand the language. It's being starving a lot of the time and being able to get through the starving, starving feeling as my racehorse fat phobic daughter calls it. She tells me to just push through that starving, starving feeling. Push on through to the other side!

I have to wonder how they keep it up. I look at Victoria Beckham and am amazed her husband still finds her sexy. She looks like a stick with two oranges stuck on the front of her and they don't look sexy. They look stuck there and I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror. My Racehorse daughter says it's not comfortable to be too thin, that your bones hurt when you roll over in bed. Waking you up.

You are always cold as there is no soft cushiony fat to warm you, but then I imagine my heart surrounded with white layers of fat and it's enough to turn you off apple crumble with cream for desserts. Notice how desserts spelled backwards spells stressed. You feel lighter and more energetic when you lose weight. You bound up the stairs instead of huffing and puffing.

You can sit easily behind the wheel of your car, shoes fit better and you don't have puffy feet on a hot day. You look prettier and healthier, your hair shines and your nails are stronger. You feel ten years younger at least or more and you can convince yourself you are.

 I found hanging skin my biggest bug bear at first, nothing snaps back at first. But give it a while and skin and fat readjust. My breasts turned to pancakes of skin. Small shrunken heads from Papua New Guinea. Awful, but they are back again, now.

I say wait a while when you have lost the weight before you think about a nip and tuck of any kind. Wait 12 months of maintaining and you will be fine usually. Dance around the lounge room, get moving, there was a lady guest at Camp Eden that said you only need 3 exercises. Push ups, chin ups and lunges, that's it. That is not hard to achieve every day. You don't have to go out and run a marathon. Just start slow and build it up at your own pace.

You have to make up your mind first. Make up your mind and the body will follow. If you had said to me 12 months ago I would be 24 kilos lighter and a non smoker in 12 months I would have laughed in your face, but here I am. And I've wintered in Queensland, written 600 stories, had an offer from a Publisher and have a great idea to help other women, like me. You can do it. It won't be fast and it won't be easy but it is doable. Trust me, I know !

Love Janette

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