My Crazy Family of Girls

Without Prejudice

They drive me crazy at times but I couldn't be without them, wouldn't want to be. They are my best girls and my best friends, they always have been and they always will be. I'm one of those Mothers that if they fart I applaud. They were mine from the very first, I had Debbie when I was 18 and was such a big baby that if she cried, I cried. How sooky is that ????

But I was such a young Mum and so inexperienced in lots pf practical ways. He would always say that I didn't know how to boil eggs, just to put me down. He alone taught me to cook and now I hate it. The nexy man I meet better be able to cook. He would also have to be strong enough to take on three of the most demanding, impossible, funny, courageous, outrageous women.

Plus the girlfriends, the family, the ex family, and he slothy husky and well muscled hefty black and white cat. If I hedged my bets I'd say someone like my Christian friend Clint. He would probably just laugh at Yvette's spin outs, when she's really angry. Even when she was 4 she fired a shoe through the plate glass window in the side yard and a

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