My Crazy Family Back Home
Without Prejudice

Now August 2012
It seems so weird to be back at home after 3 months away. Everything looks neat and clean and tidy. Yvette's kept up the lawns and garden all by herself without me. It looks fabulous..
But one of the best things I saw as I arrived home was my Big Chick, Alena, who has managed to lose 25 kilos in the time I was away. I am her Mother and saw her at the baggage carousel in Tullamarine. Finally landing on Melbourne turf at 12 midnight.
I saw a girl go past the sliding glass doors and thought,
"That would be the girl That Alena would want to be like, that body shape"
And it was Alena, funny when a Mother doesn't recognise her own child. I gasped, literally gasped when I saw her. And was in tears as she is so very happy. She's done it all by herself, eating less and moving more.
I am so happy for her as all her life she has had to deal with weight issues. I had to put her on a diet at 10 weeks old, and she was fully breast fed. The other kids would take 10 minutes each side but not Alena, She'd be finished, burped and sitting up again, both sides in ten.
My ex husband would tease her or walk by and she would turn her head but there was no way she was letiing go of my boob until she was finished. She was a dedicated follower of food.
Well, she's not now. She's trimmed down so well and she has always been beautiful but now she's quietly glows. She said she wants her time in the Spotlight. Her sisters she said, she has over the last few years been jealous of,
"Debbie is so pretty, Mum, and Yvette has always been skinny, I want my time to Shine", she said.
I told the girls and they protested, Debbie said but Alena is beautiful and she is and Yvette said but I'm putting on weight at last. Tell Alena she's silly as Alena is truly beautiful, she just didn't realize it.
I told her it's all about health the weight loss journey. Vanity is just a pleasant thing after the health factor and she totally agreed. She is so well she glows.
Twelve months ago Alena was attacked by 10 women, yes women, although the word should be animals. They gang bashed her in the toilets at a popular hotel in Dandenong. They broke two of her fingers, tried to smash a bottle over her head, a full bottle and scratched her breasts and arms like wild animals.
The claw marks were deliberately done, to humiliate her. The injuries were horrific and she suffered for months. Everytime she went to use her taped fingers for a task she cried. They nearly got off the perpetrators. The ring leader had once befriended her.
The most shameful thing was that Alena's Foster Sister turned up at the court case for the other side. She said she was duped into it but she tells lies. We've banned her from coming anywhere near this family ever again.
My ex husband never liked her nor trusted her and my family never trust ex junkies, but did I listen.
Until she asked me around to her house earlier this year, she was drunk and she called around her thug of a boyfriend around to tell me to go home. I was helping her clean her house as she had also been bashed by the same gang of women when she stuck up for Alena.
I can't even contemplate her boyfriend, he's a bully and loves bullying women. I think she's scared and impressed by him. When she's just scared she'll be better off, but she can find out that on her own.
Loyalty counts for a lot in this family and she doesn't have it.
Anyway all the good stuff was about to come up and we had to quickly move on unhappiness and move forward. I was in court by Monday so that we could get an IVO taken out on the foster sister and her boyfriend. We expected some retaliation, as that is how they work but no big deal, nothing we couldn't handle.
Alena is now away up the country with good friends, her kids with her and how she needs this break. I can't go into details as there is a court case pending but the Hotel has a duty of care they didn't meet. Also criminal charges were brought against the perpetrator.
Funny , the perp then took out an IVO from her own violent ex and learned a lesson that way. So she should, she needs help. We tried to give it to her but she didn't want to listen. We have all been where she is..... and try not to judge but women are meant to stick together. She hasn't learned that yet, neither has the Foster Daughter.
This is not High School girls, we are all grown up.
Anyway, I caught up with my big bold and outrageous Deborah, who needs her Mum just as much as anyone, and so does Feisty Yvette. You see all our lives we were fighting to make a good life under a despots rule and we learned a lot.
Now we stick together to be able to help ourselves and those around us. We are like the Underground in a Partisan army against domestic violence or violence of any kind, especailly against Women and kids, it's just so wrong
Love Janette
Now August 2012
It seems so weird to be back at home after 3 months away. Everything looks neat and clean and tidy. Yvette's kept up the lawns and garden all by herself without me. It looks fabulous..
But one of the best things I saw as I arrived home was my Big Chick, Alena, who has managed to lose 25 kilos in the time I was away. I am her Mother and saw her at the baggage carousel in Tullamarine. Finally landing on Melbourne turf at 12 midnight.
I saw a girl go past the sliding glass doors and thought,
"That would be the girl That Alena would want to be like, that body shape"
And it was Alena, funny when a Mother doesn't recognise her own child. I gasped, literally gasped when I saw her. And was in tears as she is so very happy. She's done it all by herself, eating less and moving more.
I am so happy for her as all her life she has had to deal with weight issues. I had to put her on a diet at 10 weeks old, and she was fully breast fed. The other kids would take 10 minutes each side but not Alena, She'd be finished, burped and sitting up again, both sides in ten.
My ex husband would tease her or walk by and she would turn her head but there was no way she was letiing go of my boob until she was finished. She was a dedicated follower of food.
Well, she's not now. She's trimmed down so well and she has always been beautiful but now she's quietly glows. She said she wants her time in the Spotlight. Her sisters she said, she has over the last few years been jealous of,
"Debbie is so pretty, Mum, and Yvette has always been skinny, I want my time to Shine", she said.
I told the girls and they protested, Debbie said but Alena is beautiful and she is and Yvette said but I'm putting on weight at last. Tell Alena she's silly as Alena is truly beautiful, she just didn't realize it.
I told her it's all about health the weight loss journey. Vanity is just a pleasant thing after the health factor and she totally agreed. She is so well she glows.
Twelve months ago Alena was attacked by 10 women, yes women, although the word should be animals. They gang bashed her in the toilets at a popular hotel in Dandenong. They broke two of her fingers, tried to smash a bottle over her head, a full bottle and scratched her breasts and arms like wild animals.
The claw marks were deliberately done, to humiliate her. The injuries were horrific and she suffered for months. Everytime she went to use her taped fingers for a task she cried. They nearly got off the perpetrators. The ring leader had once befriended her.
The most shameful thing was that Alena's Foster Sister turned up at the court case for the other side. She said she was duped into it but she tells lies. We've banned her from coming anywhere near this family ever again.
My ex husband never liked her nor trusted her and my family never trust ex junkies, but did I listen.
Until she asked me around to her house earlier this year, she was drunk and she called around her thug of a boyfriend around to tell me to go home. I was helping her clean her house as she had also been bashed by the same gang of women when she stuck up for Alena.
I can't even contemplate her boyfriend, he's a bully and loves bullying women. I think she's scared and impressed by him. When she's just scared she'll be better off, but she can find out that on her own.
Loyalty counts for a lot in this family and she doesn't have it.
Anyway all the good stuff was about to come up and we had to quickly move on unhappiness and move forward. I was in court by Monday so that we could get an IVO taken out on the foster sister and her boyfriend. We expected some retaliation, as that is how they work but no big deal, nothing we couldn't handle.
Alena is now away up the country with good friends, her kids with her and how she needs this break. I can't go into details as there is a court case pending but the Hotel has a duty of care they didn't meet. Also criminal charges were brought against the perpetrator.
Funny , the perp then took out an IVO from her own violent ex and learned a lesson that way. So she should, she needs help. We tried to give it to her but she didn't want to listen. We have all been where she is..... and try not to judge but women are meant to stick together. She hasn't learned that yet, neither has the Foster Daughter.
This is not High School girls, we are all grown up.
Anyway, I caught up with my big bold and outrageous Deborah, who needs her Mum just as much as anyone, and so does Feisty Yvette. You see all our lives we were fighting to make a good life under a despots rule and we learned a lot.
Now we stick together to be able to help ourselves and those around us. We are like the Underground in a Partisan army against domestic violence or violence of any kind, especailly against Women and kids, it's just so wrong
Love Janette