Knocking On Heavens Door--And Losing Weight, Naturally

Without Prejudice

I asked Alena today who wrote Knocking On Heavens Door,
"Bob Dylan"
Alena is 37, she shouldn't know stuff like this, but she has an amazing brain.

And when I congratulate her on the answer she beams.

Alena has lost a lot of weight, a 25 kilos weight loss in six months or so and she wanted me to share with all my readers what that feels like, when you have had weight issues all your life.

She was counselled last year and has been attending counselling ever since, a silver lining story to a very bad "incident". She has gone through so much in the last 12 months, good, bad and indifferent. Post traumatic stress, a daughter diagnosed with a life long illness, the attack on her personally was the worst.

She was starting to think she had once murdered a chinaman somewhere. (Run of bad luck) in other words and then everything chnaged

She is "On Fire", now, she glows, her makeup is perfect and hair and outfit immaculate. She carries herself with such pride, now.

She said that it feels like she has been invisible for years, watching behind a veil of shyness and insecurity. That she felt so jealous of others in "Normal" sizes, that she hated going to the big girls stores, hated the dowdy clothes she was forced to wear because of her size. She loathed her body and would never look at herself in  a mirror. Not properly. A glance here, a half closed lid, to see only half of what she believed every one else saw.

Her Dad was a nasty man, he wasn't well, obviously, and belted the hell out of Alena and Yvette. Lauren, too, Debbie he left alone, but even as babies he thought they should be belted. He was nuts, really. I feel for my girls for the shit they put up with > They say Alpha Males settle down after 50, I bloody well hope that's true.

She said she will never forgive him,

Now, with the weight loss comes the real Alena, she's back to being herself, her delightful self, doing a hundred things at once, counselling others, feeding an army, bolting around being a good mum, friend, sister, she''s a bit shy of friends unless she trusts them very well. But she's so funny and kind and gossipy and Alena On Fire and me as her Mum could not be prouder.

We have put up with some rotten stuff in our lives, us 5 females, Me, Deb, Yvette, Alena and Lauren R.I.P.  And according to my brother we are all Alpha Females, and stubborn and perverse. Only because we care so much. We are passionate about raising the boys, Yvette's boys as they are vulnerable, we all help with that, and Deb and Alena get fed up at times and I don't blame them.

They lose out on my attention as much and it's sure not fair, but I try to make it up to them in other ways. They have great husbands that are very supportive and families of their own to attend to. But they give willingly of their time and whatever other help they can offer. Deb should get an award for what she has achieved with Kyle.

He's still an ongoing project. My brothers like the fact that he takes care of his Family of brothers and his son, he's very proud and can be arrogant, but he'll get there. If only the Army would take him I reckon he would benefit from two years in the army. He wants to be a Policeman, I laughed when he told me that. Tears rolling down my cheeks,
"With your record, you reprobate ???"
He looked at me, shocked,
"What, they wouldn't take me ???"

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