Autumn Of The Heart
Without Prejudice
There comes a time in a woman's heart when the sex drive starts to wane and instead of lovers, she wants friends. The lust and thrust is faded now, and it all seems so bothersome. Women like me. They have had their families and the kids have all been pushed, sometimes, not so gently out of the nest and told to fly.
You might be divorced or widowed and you simply have had enough of looking after other people. When I worked as a carer of the elderly needs in Melbourne I was shocked that not one of the single women wanted another man in their lives. Even if they had been happily married for fifty years. Men need to heed this call from women.
Men. and they admit this, are childish and selfish and after you have looked after a few and a few kids and a few pets the kids have left behind, you do not want a part of looking after something else.
I am in my late fifties and I love men, adore them, but I could no longer handle a whole one, nor do I want to. I have my own life now and I love it.Women give and give and give, they put up with some awful things in their lives. often because of the kids, and if I have any advice to give it would be that the kids are not going to thank you.
In fact they probably will berate you when they are older, as kids can sense tension in the air like nobodies business. Most often they will think you are stupid to put up with such things. So if you are in difficult circumstances right now,
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
Women know nowadays they can look after themselves, financially, emotionally or physically. No longer ruled by society's conventions or mores. 51 percent of Millennia women are single mothers now, with disposable income and baby boomer grandparents are actively involved in their grand kids lives. they too have disposable income and love to spend it on "Good Stuff" for the grand kids.
Most women of the Baby Boomer generation are well heeled anyway and know how to get what they want.I am stubborn, perverse and highly independent so I would hate to compromise or be told what to do. That's being as honest as I can. No one would want me as a partner. These days there is no stigma attached to traveling single, dining single, ( take a book, same when flying ) People of the baby boomer age group love to share knowledge anyway, so you wil always find someone to talk to.
I am anal as well so I like everything just so. And you are finally in control of mess made and you come back in the door and know exactly how your place is going to look. there is something very comforting having your own way al the time. It helps if you like your own company and you have heaps of social contacts, kids,Grandkids, and loving fun family.
A woman comes into her own then. She is no longer bound hand and foot and is free to do what ever she wants.
. She becomes more outspoken and could not give a shit about other people's opinions of her. She has no need for a Daddy for her kids, she has no need for financial help. no doubt she can change her own fuses, hammer nails in walls and build a fence if the need arises.
She might have a "friend" or two but I can't even be bothered with that. I want my life, not someone else's. I've been a fuck budy, friends with benefits, it's empty and means nothing. I know most women would rather satisfy themselves if the need should arise and from what I hear around the traps, often do.
I have one friend that stays with her hubby and she hasn't has sex in twenty years. Her hubby a big drinker, not too sexual, anyway, chased her and chased her. She went overseas for five years and had a ball, slept with lots of men, devoted one waited for her.
she married him and hardly had sex again, he was all talk and no action
She had an affair, was going to leave for the other man, hubby forgave her and promised to change. He did for a little while and then went back to the same behaviour
Within three weeks.
Sylvia and I used to call it the 48 hour rule. Within 48 hours of us having left and came back to our husbands things would be exactly the same as before and often worse as they thought then we couldn't do without them. It is sure not a way to live. Sylvia is single, I am single and I am sure we deserve to be as we have worked so sodding hard to get to freedom.
Love Janette
There comes a time in a woman's heart when the sex drive starts to wane and instead of lovers, she wants friends. The lust and thrust is faded now, and it all seems so bothersome. Women like me. They have had their families and the kids have all been pushed, sometimes, not so gently out of the nest and told to fly.
You might be divorced or widowed and you simply have had enough of looking after other people. When I worked as a carer of the elderly needs in Melbourne I was shocked that not one of the single women wanted another man in their lives. Even if they had been happily married for fifty years. Men need to heed this call from women.
Men. and they admit this, are childish and selfish and after you have looked after a few and a few kids and a few pets the kids have left behind, you do not want a part of looking after something else.
I am in my late fifties and I love men, adore them, but I could no longer handle a whole one, nor do I want to. I have my own life now and I love it.Women give and give and give, they put up with some awful things in their lives. often because of the kids, and if I have any advice to give it would be that the kids are not going to thank you.
In fact they probably will berate you when they are older, as kids can sense tension in the air like nobodies business. Most often they will think you are stupid to put up with such things. So if you are in difficult circumstances right now,
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
Women know nowadays they can look after themselves, financially, emotionally or physically. No longer ruled by society's conventions or mores. 51 percent of Millennia women are single mothers now, with disposable income and baby boomer grandparents are actively involved in their grand kids lives. they too have disposable income and love to spend it on "Good Stuff" for the grand kids.
Most women of the Baby Boomer generation are well heeled anyway and know how to get what they want.I am stubborn, perverse and highly independent so I would hate to compromise or be told what to do. That's being as honest as I can. No one would want me as a partner. These days there is no stigma attached to traveling single, dining single, ( take a book, same when flying ) People of the baby boomer age group love to share knowledge anyway, so you wil always find someone to talk to.
I am anal as well so I like everything just so. And you are finally in control of mess made and you come back in the door and know exactly how your place is going to look. there is something very comforting having your own way al the time. It helps if you like your own company and you have heaps of social contacts, kids,Grandkids, and loving fun family.
A woman comes into her own then. She is no longer bound hand and foot and is free to do what ever she wants.
. She becomes more outspoken and could not give a shit about other people's opinions of her. She has no need for a Daddy for her kids, she has no need for financial help. no doubt she can change her own fuses, hammer nails in walls and build a fence if the need arises.
She might have a "friend" or two but I can't even be bothered with that. I want my life, not someone else's. I've been a fuck budy, friends with benefits, it's empty and means nothing. I know most women would rather satisfy themselves if the need should arise and from what I hear around the traps, often do.
I have one friend that stays with her hubby and she hasn't has sex in twenty years. Her hubby a big drinker, not too sexual, anyway, chased her and chased her. She went overseas for five years and had a ball, slept with lots of men, devoted one waited for her.
she married him and hardly had sex again, he was all talk and no action
She had an affair, was going to leave for the other man, hubby forgave her and promised to change. He did for a little while and then went back to the same behaviour
Within three weeks.
Sylvia and I used to call it the 48 hour rule. Within 48 hours of us having left and came back to our husbands things would be exactly the same as before and often worse as they thought then we couldn't do without them. It is sure not a way to live. Sylvia is single, I am single and I am sure we deserve to be as we have worked so sodding hard to get to freedom.
Love Janette