The Mad Men Cometh

Without Prejudice

I always have to be the one that gets rid of the mad men. The crazies, the unemployed, the drunks or the junkies. They all have the same Modus Operandi. It starts with noise and anger and loud voices raised, after they have slept most of the day that is, hiding.

Sometimes taking to their rooms which usually involves on line gambling of some sort, chatting to pals all over the world. Some form of porn or another. hiding, napping, hoping it will all go away. Men who have never worked nor are likely to ever work. Some female will always let them get away with it. And one day the women get fed up being "Used" and then call in me as support, back up.

And I have done it so many times now. their verbal excuses are always the same. They have an ilness, which they won't do anything about. The new name for I don't want to work is
"I'm a paranoid schizophrenic"

Fantastic healthy young men with a gaming addiction. Two arms, two legs and supposedly a brain sit in rooms for hours playing COD. Maybe they are scared of the outside world. Maybe their Mummy wasn't good to them. excuse after excuse except the real one.

"I am lazy."

We can all be lazy but usually we have an occupation, a passion, a love of something that keeps us going. Don't they say that early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. they don't march to the same drum. They must be so bored, have no pride in them selves as men and dodge other men in case those men look at them and sneer.

lazy of mind and body.

I have been in the same boat myself and have had to force a man to go out to work. he was an alcoholic that always snuggled down under the doona on a Monday morning while I dressed in a darkened bedroom to go to work. One Monday an agency rang him for work and I screamed at him and he got out of bed and answered the phone at last.

He ended up being at the firm for two and a half years. And didn't have too many Mondays off. I think there was a monthly or fortnightly R.D.O, which definitely helped. I for a time was an enabler for him not to work and then I really went to town on his head. Me getting up in the cold and going to work and him snuggling down once too often under that doona was enough to enrage me finally.

So I know what other women go through, the excuses, the lies, the whispering in the ears. they will up the sex and the affection to steer you off course but one day you crack, you just crack wide open. Why should you be out working your tail off, struggling through traffic to get to work and home. While they enjoy an indolent life and trust me you are not doing them any favors either.

They stop making an effort to even look decent as they have nothing to get up for. men are not good at home. A woman will always find work to do in her home a man will not. When she comes home to washing not being taken in, a simple meal not cooked, she will eventually go crazy and start complaining loud and long.

I've known women who have tried to shame men into going to work. Doesn't work. Nor does pleading with their relatives to step in. They don't want them back in their homes. It's your job to put up with them. Families won't help in those situations, they have already put up with the sloth for years and will firmly resist them coming back home.

So it's your problem. and there is only one way, you have to leave them or throw them out. if you throw them out, expect them to be back the next day, begging and pleading that they wil change, they won't, they won't kill themselves either or have nowhere to go. Someone will take them in, just as you did. These men thrive on good women they are happy to not work for.

I wonder where their sense of pride has gone. Where is their decency and respect. Their debt to society for keeping them fed and housed while they play games smoke weed or drink ? They are no worse than parasites and if you live with one for any length of time you will know what I am talking about.

They are sick a lot, always at the doctors looking for excuses and are pretty manipulative and sly. The woman has to do the throwing out now. I no longer do it. I've been threatened to have my head punched in so many times I am fed up. I asked mine to leave and I was scared to death, too. But I did it and you can too.

Or leave and don't give him the new address and have someone with you, an adult at all times who is not scared to tell him to go away. You are not doing him any favors nor yourself. He wil finds someone else to suck off, trust me and by then you won't care.

Love Janette

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