The 5 Regrets Of The Dying
Without Prejudice
There was a great article in the paper today about the 5 biggest regrets of the dying. A Palliative care nurse wrote firstly a blog and then a book about it.
The 5 biggest regrets that the dying have are,
Be True To Yourself.
Number One being true to themselves and not caring about what others think or "societal norms," influencing their lives. That they had the freedom to make their lives what they wanted them to be.
If you were truly youself what would you be like ?
What would your heart be telling you to do ?
What would bring meaning to your life?
Try making a small list the article suggests, of small changes you could make that will head you in the direction of more authentic self expression.
Work Less
Many people work themselves to the point of exhaustion, many of the dying wish they hadn't done so. They were from the generation where Men were the breadwinners, but now where women work just as much they too are at risk on missing out on other important things in life.
Do you let a stifling work culture dictate priorities in life ? Have the courage to tell yourself you want something better. Then begin the search it might take a while but it will be worth it.
Express Your Feelings
The dying Said one of their biggest regrets was never speaking up, because they wanted to "Keep The Peace" or "Didn't want to make waves". Others don't do so as they didn't want to unlock the feelings it might unlock in them. But that is a damaging way to live. The dying regretting not having spoken up in life, fearing others reactions and this kept them mute. Ultimately they would have rather said something.
In reality there is little risk if you speak up. It can help you move through difficulties, and if someone doesn't like what you have to say you don't have to stay in a relationship with such a person. If the person responds you are on the way to creating a healthier relationship. You also rid yourself of the resentment and bitterness that might otherwise contribute to ill health.
Keep Close To Friends
A busy lifestyle can see friendships drop by the wayside, but the dying really begin to appreciate the relationships they had. However, they are too ill to do anything about it then. So make time to keep in touch with people. You won't regret it !
Let Go
The dying wished that they had let themselves be happier in life. Instead they had limited themselves by trying to keep up appearances and ensuring life was comfortable and controlled.
"Comfort and convenience are the kiss of death "
Our comfort zone is not necessarily an enjoyable place. We need to step out so every often and take a risk.
When was the last time you were silly ?
What would make you laugh more ?
Whatever it is , let it into your life today.
Be Guided By Love
The theme of all the regrets, the palliative care nurse found was love, especially self love. This does not mean selfishness. On the contrary , it means taking responsibilty for creating the circumstances of a loving life.
Do we make decisions based on duty, finances or other peoples rules, or is love, including self love, the fundamental principle for how we live? Each of these things leads to a particulat quality of life. And the message from the dying is loud and clear: stay in touch with love and there will be less to regret later.
Love Janette
There was a great article in the paper today about the 5 biggest regrets of the dying. A Palliative care nurse wrote firstly a blog and then a book about it.
The 5 biggest regrets that the dying have are,
Be True To Yourself.
Number One being true to themselves and not caring about what others think or "societal norms," influencing their lives. That they had the freedom to make their lives what they wanted them to be.
If you were truly youself what would you be like ?
What would your heart be telling you to do ?
What would bring meaning to your life?
Try making a small list the article suggests, of small changes you could make that will head you in the direction of more authentic self expression.
Work Less
Many people work themselves to the point of exhaustion, many of the dying wish they hadn't done so. They were from the generation where Men were the breadwinners, but now where women work just as much they too are at risk on missing out on other important things in life.
Do you let a stifling work culture dictate priorities in life ? Have the courage to tell yourself you want something better. Then begin the search it might take a while but it will be worth it.
Express Your Feelings
The dying Said one of their biggest regrets was never speaking up, because they wanted to "Keep The Peace" or "Didn't want to make waves". Others don't do so as they didn't want to unlock the feelings it might unlock in them. But that is a damaging way to live. The dying regretting not having spoken up in life, fearing others reactions and this kept them mute. Ultimately they would have rather said something.
In reality there is little risk if you speak up. It can help you move through difficulties, and if someone doesn't like what you have to say you don't have to stay in a relationship with such a person. If the person responds you are on the way to creating a healthier relationship. You also rid yourself of the resentment and bitterness that might otherwise contribute to ill health.
Keep Close To Friends
A busy lifestyle can see friendships drop by the wayside, but the dying really begin to appreciate the relationships they had. However, they are too ill to do anything about it then. So make time to keep in touch with people. You won't regret it !
Let Go
The dying wished that they had let themselves be happier in life. Instead they had limited themselves by trying to keep up appearances and ensuring life was comfortable and controlled.
"Comfort and convenience are the kiss of death "
Our comfort zone is not necessarily an enjoyable place. We need to step out so every often and take a risk.
When was the last time you were silly ?
What would make you laugh more ?
Whatever it is , let it into your life today.
Be Guided By Love
The theme of all the regrets, the palliative care nurse found was love, especially self love. This does not mean selfishness. On the contrary , it means taking responsibilty for creating the circumstances of a loving life.
Do we make decisions based on duty, finances or other peoples rules, or is love, including self love, the fundamental principle for how we live? Each of these things leads to a particulat quality of life. And the message from the dying is loud and clear: stay in touch with love and there will be less to regret later.
Love Janette