Prawns for Dinner
Without Prejudice
Fresh prawns for dinner. Straight from Moreton Bay today and fresh whiting from fishing last night. What a delight it is to have fish so fresh. The whiting is Moreton Bay Summer Whiting, 30 cm long. The prawns so fresh the sea water is washed off and they are popped on the BBQ with a tin of beer and salt and garlic and are to die for.
Beachmere is a fishing village, if the catch is good its worth thousands of dollars and the fishermen love the work. Going out on the trawlers at night on boats with tv's and play stations, the work not hard but requiring you stay up all night. Then you can sleep all day and out you go again. I'd love to go just for the experience. The waters are flat and calm and the nights are cold but nothing like down South.
The whiting is almost the same you get in the Northern Territory but can have a little yellow colouring and are bigger than those in the Northern Territory. They nestle in the fridge ready to be filleted and pan fried in butter, then the flesh can be eaten with just a fork as the flesh is so tender. Oysters are available by the hundreds and made into Oysters Kilpatrick.
Yabbies are sucked out of the mud flats and used as bait. Every morning some devoted individual go yabby hunting. I love to watch them from my vantage point.above the water. My Sisters window faces the beach and there is a sloping grassy area to the beach. The tide is out this morning and exposes the sand bars and mud flats. Pelicans and curlews stamp their way across the flats.
I love it, love the scenery, love the water, love the fact that the whole of the bay is protected. No jet skis, no speed boats, no swimmers, there is no surf to speak of just flat calm waters. Nature at its best, splendid in its own self and calming to the edgy me. I could stay forever and never be tired of the scene.
Love Janette
Fresh prawns for dinner. Straight from Moreton Bay today and fresh whiting from fishing last night. What a delight it is to have fish so fresh. The whiting is Moreton Bay Summer Whiting, 30 cm long. The prawns so fresh the sea water is washed off and they are popped on the BBQ with a tin of beer and salt and garlic and are to die for.
Beachmere is a fishing village, if the catch is good its worth thousands of dollars and the fishermen love the work. Going out on the trawlers at night on boats with tv's and play stations, the work not hard but requiring you stay up all night. Then you can sleep all day and out you go again. I'd love to go just for the experience. The waters are flat and calm and the nights are cold but nothing like down South.
The whiting is almost the same you get in the Northern Territory but can have a little yellow colouring and are bigger than those in the Northern Territory. They nestle in the fridge ready to be filleted and pan fried in butter, then the flesh can be eaten with just a fork as the flesh is so tender. Oysters are available by the hundreds and made into Oysters Kilpatrick.
Yabbies are sucked out of the mud flats and used as bait. Every morning some devoted individual go yabby hunting. I love to watch them from my vantage point.above the water. My Sisters window faces the beach and there is a sloping grassy area to the beach. The tide is out this morning and exposes the sand bars and mud flats. Pelicans and curlews stamp their way across the flats.
I love it, love the scenery, love the water, love the fact that the whole of the bay is protected. No jet skis, no speed boats, no swimmers, there is no surf to speak of just flat calm waters. Nature at its best, splendid in its own self and calming to the edgy me. I could stay forever and never be tired of the scene.
Love Janette