Being a Bastard 3

Without Prejudice

It began so innocently. My Sister in Law and I stayed in the boarding house in Cualfield and we worked together at Myers, Chadstone. We took the bus and we met some friendly girls who were going out with two members of the Zoot. We tried hard not to be impressed but we were, and envious, our own lives dull in comparison.

I was a plump spotty geek just out from the UK and thought I was ever so trendy with my Mac untied and belt hanging down at the back. My sister in law made her own clothes and wore natty scarves of spotted fabric. She was always a big girl, heavy and wore dresses, always and my brother had a bit of a crush on her for a while. She was pretty and knew how to look after herself.

We were so very young, both 16 and out of home already. Bob was her older brother and he kept an eye on us, especially me and would laugh at my accent and clothes as if I was some sort of freak. he was 22, just turned. he had a car and a job and lived above us in the boarding house as did an artist named Alan Holland, who was effete and wore natty scarves too.

We began by going to the drive ins once and I sat as far as I could from Bob as I could in the bench front seat of his XP station wagon. The one his aunt had sewn blue and white check gingham curtains for. He had not long returned from Qld where he had been for 4 years after having a terrible row with his Father, Tiny and he walked off the farm.

He had met a girl before he left and they were supposedly engaged and when he returned from Qld she told him she was pregnant to someone else. he walked out from her that day and never went back but talked of her often. She had been sending him letters while he was away and was supposedly going up there with her Mum, who Bob adored. They never went and being young, she had met someone else and fallen pregnant.

When he had been originally going out with her he knew a man also fancied her and lay in wait for him and beat him savagely and left him for dead. He panicked and told Kevin his brother in law to drive there and see if he was still lying there in the gutter near his former fiance's house. He wasn't, and he was relieved as he really thought he had killed the man.

All this he told us quite matter of factly and I still didn't like him as I still thought he was "too black". apart from the mono brow he had a dark beard and moustache, an Abraham Lincoln beard that was also black and I thought it was an awful look.I at that time was writing to a mid shipman I had met on the boat coming over to Australia and Derek was blonde and blue eyed and very tanned. we wrote long passionate letters of love and affection to each other and he was going to come back to Australia and live.

Bob started out by teasing me about the sailor and the many letters I received and said it would never work out. I almost spat at him that it would and he would sulk and we wouldn't see him for a while. But he still kept an eye on me and I would see him watching me out of the corner of my eye. I knew he was a no no, my brother had married his sister and anything between us was too bizarre to contemplate. But he still pursued me and one night Alan and Bob's sister went out together to an arty party and we were left to our own devices.

He took me for a drive to a park and we sat and talked and listened to music, he knew I was too young to make a move on me but he did and when I responded he pulled away, saying,
"You don't want to go out with a man like me, I'm bad".
I didn't listen of course and I wish now I had but then I wouldn't have my girls so I suppose fate was taking a hand. Biologically, anyway.

We began "going out" together and kept the fact hidden from his family and his sister. And he tried once to have sex with me and I told him firmly no as I was a virgin and was waiting for marriage. he then wanted to get married and I just laughed at him. He was persistent about the sex part though and we once attempted it but I begged him to stop as it hurt.

After a few months we tried again as I had borrowed a book from the adult book section at work and in the bath learned how to stretch the hymen. The one night when his sisterwas out again, this time for the night, we had sex and to say it hurt was an understatement, it burned and I bled all over his sheets. we had sex something like nine times in a row and I didn't complain.

But the next day I was bleeding quite a bit and had to wear pads inside my undies to stem the flow. He said ever after I was not a virgin and I probably had my period but that was untrue I had never had sex in my life and wasn't sure I ever wanted it again after that experience. but we were young and I was curious to see what this thing called sex was all about.

Once I was sitting in the front of the car and was on top of him and I cried as I thought I had wet myself and he laughed at me. His brother in Law told everyone in the family we were doing "it" and our cover was blown and I was furious and left the house that night. We had moved there to his older sisters house as he had a row with his younger sister my room mate. I walked to the boarding house and we decided to get a flat together with my brother G, who had come down from Sydney.

The flat was great and the boys worked and I kept house. I was soon 17 and he bought me a friendship ring inscribed with Bobby Loves Janette on the inside. I was finally "going out" with someone and then I rapidly began to lose all my plumpness. I had a set routine. I had put on plenty of pork in the UK and had gone from athletic to chubby to plain fat while I was there and every day in Myers ladies room I would weigh myself and watch the scales plummet. I did it within weeks and I will tell you how,

To be continued

Love janette

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