Past Imperfect

Without Prejudice

I have never been perfect, nor would I want to be. Imagine living with a "Perfect Person", it would drive anyone else mad. I'm stubborn, perverse, given to temper tantrums. I also have to be right, or else. I'm wordy, snobby, elitist, too "much
, too vague at times. I can write a novel and forget where I have put the butter.

I'm a feminist that loves men. I love everything about men. I'm vain and critical at times with a haughty demeanour and I know all these things about myself.

I'm soft with my kids and want what is best for them and can come across as demanding, bossy, controlling and a perfectionist.

But at the end of the day I do like myself, love myself as I should and love others with a passion. I am also working on NOT being impatient, Not being shy in company and learning to compromise after years of demanding it's my way or the highway.

I am also learning not to be so feminist. I used to think all men are fools or bastards. And now I don't. I said to one lady in the lift on a Monday morning as we both were off to work.
"Germaine Greer has a lot to answer for "
And she nodded silently. Both of us complicit. She knew without words what I was saying.

It used to be that womne had one role and one role only. Mother and wife. Then we listened to Germaine Greer and went out in to the workforce. We thought we could do it all, be it all, have it all. What a load of crock!

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