Camp Eden Revisited
Without Prejudice
I caught up with T. yesterday and we reminisced about our different ex periences. I Wanted her input on what to me had been an incredible experience.
She felt the same, that her life was also very priveliged. And that other peoples were far worse.
She looked well, excercised, and asked me how I had shed so much weight,
I found it incredibly hard to lose when I was first home for Camp Eden
A mans self image tied up with his career
A woman's her body
I exercised for three months, walking, dancing, stretching, more dancing, didn't lose a thing.
And I gave up. I just said aloud one day I give up.
I gave it up to someone else, God, The Universe, Lauren, Mum, Dad, Jamie, all my guardian angels.
And it fell off, just fell of with in the last month.
We've had a lot of stress to contend with in the last month.
And as per usual it comes back to Yvette and I trying to raise boys, who's beloved Aunt died at 39. leaving kids their ages.
So ripple number one, then Bonnie, their dog, ripple number two, and number three seeing their Dad at Mandy's funeral. That tipped the cart over for a while. All of them sorry for him, losing his older sister, his loved older sister.
They all wanted to go live with him when he returns in two months, and Yvette and I are not sure, playing a waiting game.
Simon has had a few too many reincarnations as a great Dad, but struggles with addictions, so we will wait and see.
T and I went clothes shopping and everything fitted and I was like a little kid in a lolly shop. All bright eyed, the colors I chose bright, deep blues and apricot and twirled like a teenager. T laughing at me and saying,
"You bloody bitch"
And we discussed all the health food we had eaten, coming home amd preparing food that was healthier.
T had gone to Camp Eden for her girlfriend, S. she had a brother who had terminal cancer and had 3 months to live. So T went along for company and on the first day S had a phone call to say her brother had died, suddenly.
So she had to leave, not even getting to view her room.
T was devastated but rallied, deciding this was a journey she needed on her own, returning to her room after dropping her friend off, and took off all her makeup and jewellery and her glasses.
She didn't wear the glasses the entire time she was there.
And she did everything, embraced it all.
She couldn't get up on the pole and struggled and then stood straight up, a miracle, she said, the yellow pages size platform shaking, and she stood up and jumped for the the swing bar in front of her.
She was so like me, viewing the others as having far more serious issues than she had.
And she had come home and thought she was a lucky woman and so had I.
Love Janette
I caught up with T. yesterday and we reminisced about our different ex periences. I Wanted her input on what to me had been an incredible experience.
She felt the same, that her life was also very priveliged. And that other peoples were far worse.
She looked well, excercised, and asked me how I had shed so much weight,
I found it incredibly hard to lose when I was first home for Camp Eden
A mans self image tied up with his career
A woman's her body
I exercised for three months, walking, dancing, stretching, more dancing, didn't lose a thing.
And I gave up. I just said aloud one day I give up.
I gave it up to someone else, God, The Universe, Lauren, Mum, Dad, Jamie, all my guardian angels.
And it fell off, just fell of with in the last month.
We've had a lot of stress to contend with in the last month.
And as per usual it comes back to Yvette and I trying to raise boys, who's beloved Aunt died at 39. leaving kids their ages.
So ripple number one, then Bonnie, their dog, ripple number two, and number three seeing their Dad at Mandy's funeral. That tipped the cart over for a while. All of them sorry for him, losing his older sister, his loved older sister.
They all wanted to go live with him when he returns in two months, and Yvette and I are not sure, playing a waiting game.
Simon has had a few too many reincarnations as a great Dad, but struggles with addictions, so we will wait and see.
T and I went clothes shopping and everything fitted and I was like a little kid in a lolly shop. All bright eyed, the colors I chose bright, deep blues and apricot and twirled like a teenager. T laughing at me and saying,
"You bloody bitch"
And we discussed all the health food we had eaten, coming home amd preparing food that was healthier.
T had gone to Camp Eden for her girlfriend, S. she had a brother who had terminal cancer and had 3 months to live. So T went along for company and on the first day S had a phone call to say her brother had died, suddenly.
So she had to leave, not even getting to view her room.
T was devastated but rallied, deciding this was a journey she needed on her own, returning to her room after dropping her friend off, and took off all her makeup and jewellery and her glasses.
She didn't wear the glasses the entire time she was there.
And she did everything, embraced it all.
She couldn't get up on the pole and struggled and then stood straight up, a miracle, she said, the yellow pages size platform shaking, and she stood up and jumped for the the swing bar in front of her.
She was so like me, viewing the others as having far more serious issues than she had.
And she had come home and thought she was a lucky woman and so had I.
Love Janette