
Without Prejudice.

He wasn't due for two weeks but Yvette's ankles and feet were swollen from six months on and that had never happened before. She'd tried resting, (Impossible) so we just kept an eye out and waited.

She'd been agitated all week, something not sitting right, the placenta was lying across the cervix low down and there was a good chance she was looking at a Caesar.

Which she'd freaked about. Not wanting to be cut open.

So that afternoon she was going out to pick up her neice from work and I saw her lean against the table, heavily,
"put a pad on", I said
"What for??" Yvette replied.
"Just do it, please, don't ask questions"
"It was just Braxton Hicks, Mum", referring to her heavy leaning.

So she did wear one just to indulge me and waddled back in the door, legs apart, an hour later.
"My waters have broken "

she said and doubled over in a contraction. I rang the hospital immediately and they sent an ambulance. Yvette was in full stage labour, baby imminent. The crew arrived and we got her onto the double bed.

I watched her toes because when they start to curl, she's about to give birth,
they were curling.

I grabbed a towel and shoved it under her quickly, she was just moanning, but controlling everything really well.

I siad'
"Well I'm ready to deliver, what about you two? Nodding towrds the man and girl Paramedics,
"Let's go", said the Girl, Tracy
But the man looked uncomfortable.
"How mnay babies have you delivered?" I asked.
"One, and I only assisted", he replied.
"Right, lets get her to Hospital, then" I said.

and with that they whacked a Penthrox pain killer inhaler in Yvette's mouth. And the contractions slowed.

It had been half an hour since she had first waddled in the door. We took off in the light rain and I kept an eye on Yvette. We were never going to make it to Clayton, so we headed for Casey Hospital. The doors swinging open and we reached the labour ward in record time.

And he was born in 1 minute and 36 seconds, the dreaded placenta moving up and out of the way. And there he was, a seventh son, fat and adorable and he is the same now as the day he was born. Beautiful Boy  

Love Janette

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