
Without Prejudice

Redmond thought he was the Office Lothario, singling women out for his special attention, he was so sure it was warranted,

"Poor little sex starved, chickies" Or "Crazy bitches"

Is the way he thought of them,

the married, the newly single, especially,

"Must be gagging for it," was his dark thought.

He was in a position of some authority so he would be asked regularly how he was, smiled at, paid attention to, and he knew how all the females really admired his masculinity.

He made sure he was always superbly groomed.

His Hugo Boss Charcoal grey suit with it's discreet self stripe, and his Armani tie, bought on the internet, and his Turnbull and Asser blue shirt, all topped off with his discreetly highlighted hair and contacte lenses, graduated 5%, blue, just to add the blue appeal to his already baby blues.

"Killer eyes" Red thought.

He always dabbed a little bit of Caroline Herrera 212 on his chin and neck and on the front of his jocks, just in case.

You just never knew. he was all of 46, hadn't had much luck with women, so far. Marrying once and divorcing quickly, no kids. 

And sometimes when he looked at the man in the mirror he caught a whiff of something, loneliness, futilty, a furtive feeling of self loathing or bastardry but it would disappear, as rapidly as it had come.

But sometimes it would come during the day as well a slight nudging at his spine and he would sit up straighter and tell himself how much he loved his life.

And he did, he loved the smart restaurants and the high flying life style , he had and wanted no complications in life,

but he still loved the chase and the seduction , the chase itself was bliss.

He had reached the age of 46, and knew everything about business and little or nothing about people. He knew who was about to screw him over and he was on to them, ruthless in his power And he was paranoic about his private life. he didn't want to let anyone in.

Maybe they would discover that he wasn't that interesting after all.

Hell he couldn't recall what he had been doing when the Twin Towers went down and everyone could remember that, couldn't they? The other people had been able to, but he couldn't for the life of him remember. Must have been working.

And entering into a new woman's bedroom, stumbling in the dark, usually drunk, exotic smells and almost a gauzey hot haze in the air and he was never as hard or as long or as smooth, naked, the first time, in a strange woman's bed.

He loved a lunch time rendesvous, got him through the day, sometimes.

And after he would be all business, smoothing his hair in her mirror pushing the woman to one side and washing his dick at the sink, hurriedly.

the woman would have felt no pleasure. but would say she did, thinking he was rich and that's how he had reached that age without any one of the women telling him otherwise.

Unless she liked 3 minutes of lusty thrusting and no more, quick touch on the tits and enter, barely able to contain his powerful orgasm, getting off on the sheer wickedness of it all. The naughtiness of it and for one blinding second he was a God, never long enough, but it was there.

And when he left he was all fired up and ready to conquer the world, returning to the office and whistling as he ran up the stairs two at a time. And never thought of the woman again.

He now had a fiance, the tall and elegant, lawyer, Frances, who did nothing for him but looked good and adored him. How could she not, he treated like a piece of Dresden china, Daddy being one of the senior Executives.

He was attentive to her but his lust lay in other things, over working to rid himself of it and the bottle of bourbon he had hidden in his desk drawer, taking the rest of the edge off.
And when he had enough he could pretend he was something, someone, who did he matter to ?? Where was his life??

He would grow maudlin then and think of the women he had known and never been able to make a connection to. Spending his life on the drive to the top, and wondered if he would have been better off with kids after all.

He had to kiss arse a lot but that didn't bother him, he took that out on the plebs in the warehouse and office.

He knew hw was good at what he did and had worked hard and unending hours to get there. he had sacrificed his personal life for work and he had the look and the smell of power about him,

"Is there any more powerful addiction ?

He could hire and fire and did at will, People annoyed him if they were late or didn't work as hard he and he would dismiss them and laugh about it afterwards.

 He swore his loud voice carrying throught the office, he hoped it made the little secretaries wet their tiny cotton panties. He had noticed a "newbie" around lately, a bit shy, bottle bottom glasses, big tits.

He called her aside one day and asked her how she was enjoying the job.
"Brilliant!", was the one word reply.
She avoided his gaze and kept on working.

He squirmed a little, she wasn't taking any notice of his urbane style. So he decided to ignore her and \keep her on tenterhooks. he couldn't help himself however and if she wore a low neck lined dress, he would ring up his mate Terry in the outer office to come and look too.

Terry trying to hand the woman some paperwork and she telling him to

"Piss Off"

He kept up trying however hoping to catch a glance of her ample cleavage and not being able to, she turning her back on him.

And one time they had both approached her, both divorcees, not their fault, just the "bitches", they had been married to amd asked her why woman left their gorgeous, faithful, non lying husbands,
and she replied, leaning close to them both.

"A woman leaves a poor man for the money

and a rich one for the sex."

They were both rich, and she turned her back on them both.

Terry became obsessed by this strange woman who would not bow down and so did Redmond.

"Who does, she think she is??" He wondered, she simply didn't give a shit what she said, did, he wondered about her a lot.

One time coming in from a redenvouz reaaking of bourbon and he noticed that she noticed, backing away from him and Terry and disappearing, she only seemed interested in work, silly cow.
And he could have sworn she was laughing at him.

He tried following her one morning into the kitchen and asking how her weekend had been,
"Devastating", she replied.
It wasn't the answer he had been hoping for but he kept gamely on.
"Why?", he asked stammering a little over the W
"My daughters dog bit the back out of one of my favourite shoes"
And she glanced down at her vintage pumps.
"you could fix it, get a pair of scissors and trim the back", Red replied.
"Thanks, good suggestion"
And she was gone, Red, standing there open mouthed.

"What a strange woman. she was"

So a few days later she stopped him as he was going past her desk with a busload of dignitaries from Korea,
"Red", she called
He looked disdainfully at her at first, shocked by her cheek when he was doing his big leadership thing.
"Yes", he indulged her with a smile.
"The trick with the scissors, it worked"
And she stretched her ankle out in front of him, provocatively.

He wanted to bite her hard or smack her head or something but he just smiled and carried on.

And one time he had noticed a mark on her black top.

"looks like you're leaking", he had said and she just told him to bugger off, she was always so cranky.

And one day she disappeared, never to return, she had resigned, couldn't take all the sackings and screaming and yelling, the sensitive type. She sure hadn't acted like it. He knew she hated the yelling at the plebs, mostly quiet Indian people, who wanted their jobs and to stay in the country.

The entire management team was like it. a Blokey atmosphere. More like a bunch of good looking wealthy men who liked to shout and swear, and out do each other in power, basically nice men, but..........

And Redmond knew he was one of them and it felt good. And well there were always more chicky babes coming along..he could hire who he wanted.

and he was safe with his Fiance on show, and in his darkest thoughts he dreamed of other women. And somewhere there was a smell of sulphur and sex and bourbon all rolled into one. And echoing off to one side of his brain was the sound of a woman laughing. 

Love Janette

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