
Without Prejudice

I think I live the best life ever, I am writing , my passion, hours go by and I am absorbed, stuck on a word or that elusive "Simple Truth". Outside crawls Cruz who is just learning to walk, fat little dumpling of love.

I get to educate and help and listen to three teenage boys, who are smart and growing in to Men. I get to see them all and then close them out too, which is most important, as it's me and the page, the blank one.

And we've just been through the worst month ever, and we've been cheered up and helped and I bless those people, they know who they are.

I no longer feel anger to my ex husband, such a big influence on our past. But I've written it out of my system as I thought I would. Making sense of it and leaving it where it belong, in the past.

He loved me, I loved him but we were just different people and I sure as hell, readily, take half the blame, suck it up and move on.

Lauren too, as we are determined this year to celebrate her life and the girls want me to get a tattoo, pain, my favourite !

I'll see.

And my body has decided to give up it's fat for once and I've lost a lot of weight, and I am pleased because I wanted my athletic body back. I missed her, who liked to swim and dance and exercise and she's reappeared. Thank God.

Going from 16-18 to Size 12, haven't been that small in 20 years.

Helen and I can compare notes now, as she lost heaps of weight too and we complain about "crepey skin", Helen said it, redistributes, eventually.

George doesn't have it but Helen said that's because men have better elasticity in their skin, Women affected by loss of oestrogen, bummer, she said try Bio Oil.

I have a lot more fun, than I did before Camp Eden, and I have more energy and I feel more attractive, more serene. My face and body will do, as after all my wonderful son in law said,
"it's just a body",

but it's better when you have it humming along. I was so sick of bending over and feeling three fat rolls around my belly.

I've taken more risks, like auditioning for Millionaire, that was scary, but I did it and I was so glad I did it. And finally I have a nice smile back after 6 months of having to hide it.

And I am happy as a Mother, a grandmother, and friend and good sister and aunt and all the other roles, mentor to Mladenka,

I'm learning to not be as outspoken, but I do so love a good verbal fight, but I'll learn from Jackie and just hum. men are good and bad.

I'm not such a raging feminist any more. I like men and I have met some great ones, and I keep putting off ringing Nev's Mum in Dublin, fearing somethings wrong and I couldn't take one more sad thing this month.(Insert 31.10.2011 Nev got married twelve months ago and I am delighted for him, good on him )

We the girls and I feel it, the push towrds the anniversary, and in the past October has always been horrible for us.

But this year we will change all that, partying for Halloween and Christmas. Last Christmas was the best at One of my daughters and it was all about family and good times and was just fantastic.

Hope we doing that again this year. Love all the kids in their best clothes and ripping open presents to the tunes of Bob Marley, little rastas,

I can't begin to tell you the love I feel for my grandkids, 13 of them. (I used to include Mara's but she's gone, and good riddance !)

Wouldn't you think the heart would have a capacity for love?. I cried when I was pregnant so soon after Deb, could not imagine how I could love another as much as I did her.

And you do, you just do
My Mother always said,
"Should have had a dozen"

Which made us feel good, my parents were fantastic like that, they were always proud of their children, always and even though they had their own problems they put in 110% as parents, and I am so grateful for that.

And I have learned I have to be tactful and not so blunt.

So all in all I am one happy woman and can only see it getting better and better,

Love Janette

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