
Without Prejudice

I heard so many rumours from people in the know at Camp Eden.

One girl had been in England and her ex husband had played for the same cricket team as Michael Parkinson. he was as delightful as you would imagine and had interviewed someone once who had slept with the Queen. We all sat at the table mouths hanging open. Obviously before she married.

The Music Artist from Sydney told us that a famous Media Baron's youngest son was gay and his lovely wife bi and they had the most outrageous parties.

One had been with the BBC 4 team in Monaco and they named the gay celebrities and it was mind blowing. The stories were supposedly true. And shocking things that some people got up to.

They must get really bored some people, with too much celebrity, too much cocaine or designer drugs. Or maybe they just attracted to the arts but there were heaps, music artists, I had lusted after, a prince, movie macho men that weren't so macho.

We all felt like country bumpkins let loose in the big city. We were all shocked by all the Goss, and couldn't believe it. As they say in Yorkshire,

"There's nowt as Queer as Folk!"

They say gossip is normal, that we ordinary people love the celebrities to have the pain and angst we have, that they are just like us. But having met a few now, I don't think so.

I think they often live in a bubble, a nice protected bubble. They are surrounded by people that say yes to them all the time, it's in their best interests to do so.

And I should imagine that sort of fame could be overwhelming to the young and vunerable. It's not good to have too much to soon, unless you have some really down to earth parents, and family that won't let you get too out of control.

Telling you to pull your head in.

But I still think they live a lovely life and am sure they harder they work, the luckier they get.

But there are always the victims, tragic Michael Jackson, train wreck, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. I am not happy that people like that are held up as idols to kids my grand kids ages. I don't want a little Kim Kardashian look alike in the family because to me she is vacuous.

I want them to have role models that "do" something in the world. Helping other people less fortunate, not in a pretentious way, but because they want to.

 Jade 17 helps kids with brain injuries one day a week and she adores them.
 Debbie volunteered to "Pattern " a brain injured child every day after school for a year.

She now works for "Lost Kids", that have reached the end of the system, rejected from foster home after foster home.
Alena helps the homeless as do Yvette and I, rescuing kids off the streets at times and giving them advice, food, practical help, putting them in touch with agencies and counsellors.

We've successfully housed a few, cutting through red tape, to get help. Esty, Grant and poor old Mongrel.

I usually get the cleaning jobs and I've cleaned a few houses in my time that would make a saint weep. We don't tire of it, it's just those things that have to be done.

People are people all over the world and everyone falls down at some time or another and needs help.

The trick is to wait until they ask, my StepMum Margaret taught me that.

She was a psychiatric nurse at Wakefield Mental Home and she said they got a lot of girls and boys on drugs.
The first thing you do is NOT offer them a cup of tea, they have to ask, then you can help them.

We've kept secrets for years, that was why the open Gossip was so refreshing, we have had to hang on to many things, for years, some to the grave.

We like to gossip ourselves and trash people, we're not saints. But at the end of the day, gossip, is healthy because amongst it all might be a small clue as to someone acting out of character, or lost or in need of help. And if thats the case it's good, because, we'll help and hopefully not judge 

We are a family that kept secret how ill Mum was and in hindsight, it's better out in the open after 34 years


Love janette

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