She Sleeps


We were there till her last breath, at 12 .23 today. Our beautiful Bonnie, Yvette's "daughter" a true loyal friend, our old German Sheperd.

We are beyond, tired, beyond heart broken, She made not one whimper of pain, not one and we do it for her now, Yvette and I whimper in pain.

She was fine up till Friday, running around, eating her last squeaker out of her last toy. I knew Friday night, I just knew, and the boys would not let us take her to the vet.

We made them say their goodbye's, jostling and wrestling with each other and then coming in one by one to say goodbye, their girl, their companion and defender,

They kept saying, she was alright, she was just sick, and last night Yvette and I kept vigil with her, stroking her, telling her she was beautiful. I at 3am till 5am and then Yvette and then me again.

We couldn't leave her by herself to die, and we carried her for a wee and she fell into her bowl of water, legs buckling. I lay beside her for hours, in the grass yesterday and then inside.Just talking to her and so did the boys and Yvette, knowing she was leaving.

Telling her what a great dog she was and stroking her and she was shutting down by degrees, refusing food, last night, it took about 12 hours, and she was good till the end

And we found her gone from the laundry this morning, she had crept to the side of my unit. I told Yvette old dogs go off somewhere to die.

And thats what she did, she couldn't stand up last night, but she made her way all around the block to lie beside my bedroom. And that is where she will lie for all time.

Yvette and I are inconsolable, we've had 3 sudden deaths, one funeral and now Bonnie, we knew it was coming, but how do you prepare??

We hugged on the stairs and just broke down. We will be shattered for weeks, but as I said to her,
"The more grief you feel, the more you loved her, that's the way it works. "

She died at home in the arms of her loved and loving family and that is what we wanted, she wanted, and the boys wanted.

They wanted her to die in her sleep and that is what she delivered, majestic and Noble. And before she took her last breath she pricked up her ears at Yvette's voice, her Master, and then she went....

We going to be doing it hard for a while, you can't lose a pet of 11 years and not be just devastated, and having to go to Mandy's funeral On Thursday, last week, it was like Bonnie waited politely to die.

So her death at least is something behind us now and we no longer have to wait and worry and she is at peace, not making a whimper, nothing, so very noble and dignified, and all my lovely boys cried and Yvette has been crying all day.

But we are glad we were with her to the end and Yvette and I unknownst to each other, had both whispered to her.

"Let go baby"

Love you Bon, our tree climbing dog. xoxoxox

Love Janette

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