Writing For My Life
Nearly 2000 people have looked at my pages and I have no idea who they are, I can't track my own page views so its not me, polishing a word here, removing one there. 200o people I am gob smacked. What on earth could other people find interesting about my life? I do it was a passion, it's my passion, words always have been. My Mother said
"Words, they are just words, Fuck is a word, it's not a very nice word, but its just an Olde English Word, Chaucer said it !"
That made sense and she had other words, she spoke to Dad in pig latin if she didn't want us "little vessels" to understand what they were saying but we learned it quickly retiring to Ian's room and working it out. I was Janayzette, George was Jayzorge, Jackie, Jayzackie, Ian,Aye zeann and after that we could understand what they were saying. Not that we let on.
And I am humbled that people are reading and liking and I am now writing for my life. Agatha Christie said she never knew what writing was till she did it for income, writing for her life when her husband and her were short of money. And she wrote and was rejected, as was Steven King, he had a nine inch nail on the wall, FULL of rejection slips by the time he was published.
I don't want to be published, or it's not something I think of, I just want to write about my life a record for my kids and grandkids, because they like them and want me to do more. So I do and in the leaving hope they understand me, the beloved maternal Grandma, always the closest one. Love you "liitle horrors" , and they know I do wanting to eat them if it wasn't illegal, their sweet faces, their struggles to understand, to know, to learn.
I have two messages, one for the boys and one for the girls. For the girls, "Boys are dirt." until you are at least 16 or older, have then as friends but just friends until you are old enough to reason, ignore their crudity and praise them when they act well" Boys NEED praise, sometimes, but not too much or they get arrogant and will fuck up again.
To the boys, dont marry until you are at least 30. Boys brains don't mature until they are 27, girls at 23, so go out and be a boy, with other boys and strip cars and admire girls and travel and learn and find domething that is your passion and do all those things as you move through the teens and twenties. Don't get addicted to porn, its funny and can be instructional but no more that, never hit a woman and try real hard not to play up and if you do end it with the other first, like a man. Be a good man, a decent one, a person that cares about others, can kiss a baby and then mow the lawns, help a child with it's way in the world and revere it. Worship it, because its your flesh and blood.
So I write for them, my little progeny, how I as an ordinary person will be remembered, through them, and viewed. Because not all of us are Steve Jobs, or William Shakespeare, or Agatha Christie or Albert Einstein, we are just us and at the end of the day our kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids are our way of being remembered for ever on and on and that's a daunting thing. So make it good, kids, care about others as it will make you feel wonderful if it all works out. And love with passion and work the same. When I write life suspends for eight hours, I barely eat, keep the phone off and just write. Once Steven king said he wrote one word in one day, that was all, one word.
But he said keep at it, stay in the same place, same chair, same everything every day and one day your muse will show up. mine won't shut up at the moment, but days will come when I am stuck. For content, for form and rythym and "flow", transcending the concious and trippin over into a "Zone:, Steven king said he creates a zone by playing CD's loud, rock mostly ACDC or Metallica it helps with the zoning out. I do the same, Garth Brooks, Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar, soundtracks are good. especially if they are inspirational. As Steven King says.
"Never come lightly to the blank page:
"Words, they are just words, Fuck is a word, it's not a very nice word, but its just an Olde English Word, Chaucer said it !"
That made sense and she had other words, she spoke to Dad in pig latin if she didn't want us "little vessels" to understand what they were saying but we learned it quickly retiring to Ian's room and working it out. I was Janayzette, George was Jayzorge, Jackie, Jayzackie, Ian,Aye zeann and after that we could understand what they were saying. Not that we let on.
And I am humbled that people are reading and liking and I am now writing for my life. Agatha Christie said she never knew what writing was till she did it for income, writing for her life when her husband and her were short of money. And she wrote and was rejected, as was Steven King, he had a nine inch nail on the wall, FULL of rejection slips by the time he was published.
I don't want to be published, or it's not something I think of, I just want to write about my life a record for my kids and grandkids, because they like them and want me to do more. So I do and in the leaving hope they understand me, the beloved maternal Grandma, always the closest one. Love you "liitle horrors" , and they know I do wanting to eat them if it wasn't illegal, their sweet faces, their struggles to understand, to know, to learn.
I have two messages, one for the boys and one for the girls. For the girls, "Boys are dirt." until you are at least 16 or older, have then as friends but just friends until you are old enough to reason, ignore their crudity and praise them when they act well" Boys NEED praise, sometimes, but not too much or they get arrogant and will fuck up again.
To the boys, dont marry until you are at least 30. Boys brains don't mature until they are 27, girls at 23, so go out and be a boy, with other boys and strip cars and admire girls and travel and learn and find domething that is your passion and do all those things as you move through the teens and twenties. Don't get addicted to porn, its funny and can be instructional but no more that, never hit a woman and try real hard not to play up and if you do end it with the other first, like a man. Be a good man, a decent one, a person that cares about others, can kiss a baby and then mow the lawns, help a child with it's way in the world and revere it. Worship it, because its your flesh and blood.
So I write for them, my little progeny, how I as an ordinary person will be remembered, through them, and viewed. Because not all of us are Steve Jobs, or William Shakespeare, or Agatha Christie or Albert Einstein, we are just us and at the end of the day our kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids are our way of being remembered for ever on and on and that's a daunting thing. So make it good, kids, care about others as it will make you feel wonderful if it all works out. And love with passion and work the same. When I write life suspends for eight hours, I barely eat, keep the phone off and just write. Once Steven king said he wrote one word in one day, that was all, one word.
But he said keep at it, stay in the same place, same chair, same everything every day and one day your muse will show up. mine won't shut up at the moment, but days will come when I am stuck. For content, for form and rythym and "flow", transcending the concious and trippin over into a "Zone:, Steven king said he creates a zone by playing CD's loud, rock mostly ACDC or Metallica it helps with the zoning out. I do the same, Garth Brooks, Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar, soundtracks are good. especially if they are inspirational. As Steven King says.
"Never come lightly to the blank page: