28,000 Readers-Who Knew

Without Prejudice

My Granny Wilsher And Grand Dad Wilsher, My Uncles, Aunts and Cousins UK x

Now I am up to 28,000 readers and it's only 10 days ago since I had 24,000. That's almost a third of the MCG. How delightful you are to be reading my stories. Makes the effort worthwhile, love you guys ! It will be a year in October since I started writing and what a state I was in when I began. Now I am in the sun in Redcliffe writing, I have an Ipad and I have gone back to a voice that I had thought had gone forever, my 12 year old self. long before I knew about life. But I thought I knew so much, as 12 year old girls do.

I was lucky enough at 12 to move to a whole new country for me, the U.K. and every thing I had known before was to be blown right out of the water. I went from the Gold Coast, Mount Martha and Adelaide to freeezing Yorkshire in February. I went from the only climate and people I could remember, Australia and half way around the world and the journey took 6 weeks. I went from never having relations to having tons of them. And a history that I knew nothing of. I went to where I was born, Edinburgh and recalled nothing.

I was at a vunerable age learning wise. I would have been entering High School in Australia and instead I went to a posh English Grammar School, 5 months after they had started, Form 1. Where pupils wore ties and blazers  and I was from a school where shoes had been not compulsory. I was called Kangaroo shoes in the Uk and a little abo. I was bottom of the class where I had once been top. I was naive and shy and withdrawn and had to contend with boys and girls having boyfriends at 12. I went from knowing nothing to a bit of something. I could go to clubs and loved it, I could drink and not be told off, dress up like a Lolita and see nothing wrong. I was a mixed up crazy little girl that was too shy to ask but not too shy to experiment.

How on earth my parents thought we kids would cope I have no idea. That said Thornes House Grammar was a fabulous school and developed everything in me that I hold dear today. Education, manners, morals and strength. Traveling the world educated me in so many ways and I thank my parents that they did go and that we did get to understand other cultures, other people, from all walks of life. I grew in that time I was away from Australia and I still feel just at home in both The UK and here. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Thank you for reading my readers.

Love Janette

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