Sex, the cane and naughty schoolgirls 13

Without Prejudice

I am starting to love England. The shops, the clothes are just to die for. And the music ! Ken took Jenny and I to the Dance Hall at Outwood. It was packed with older people but I still was allowed in. Most of them are greasers but it doesn't matter. Jenny loaned me her pink lace dress with the lace top and tweedy bottom. I so love that dress. She has a new one with black and white squares like a Mary Quant dress or Biba and I love that one too.

One of the girls was smoking with a cigarette holder, just like Mum. Ken smokes as does everyone, just about, except Jenny and I. Mum and Dad would kill us. You can buy cigarettes here in dinky little packets of ten and you can go in the off licence and just buy a single fag. I know as I have to go get them for Mum. After the dance Ken took me for a ride on his Motorbike and I was so scared. It was so fast and I had tears in my eyes from the wind. No one tried to kiss me tonight as it was all younger kids anyway.

After we went across the road to the chippy and met up with Ken's girl friends again. They all love him and are friends with us as we hang around him. I am sure some want to go out with him, he's so good looking but he says he hasn't time for girls. so. Jenny and I stayed at Auntie Pam's instead of going all the way home, Jenny wants to leave home, but she's only 16 and Mum and Dad would never let her. I reckon she should too.

Mum and Dad are pretty good they let me go to Mecca on a school night, Monday night and stay out till 10. That's not bad, is it. I still have to do all my Homework, though. Denise and I have been spotted by some men working on the beck. They gave us cheek and wolf whistles, really we are only children !They are cleaning it all out and as soon as I put one of their names on my pencil case, Dad spotted it and asked who it was. I just said someone from the Herd, as if he would know the difference. Dad thinks Ken Dodd is great and Val Bleeding Doonigan. Jesus!

On the way home from School near the town centre is a lolly shop. I have never ever seen anything like it in my life. Dolly mixtures and wine gums, Pontefract tea cakes and Walnut Whips. At Easter they had Cadbury Easter Eggs with trays of chocolates inside. I have never seen Easter Eggs like them. Jay and I just press our faces to the window sometimes and dream of having lots of money and buying the whole shop. It's only three more days to the hols, can't wait.

No more lessons
No more books,
No more Teachers dirty looks,
we all sing on the bus going home. Next term I'm in Mr Bruce Jennings class. Can't wait he is so dishy and looks like a Rugby Player and wears nice clothes. He introduced himself to Caro and Denise and I today and I couldn't look further up than his pants leg, so dazzling he is. He talked to us really nice, better than the other Teachers, next term will be great with him as our Home Teacher. Can't wait. But in the mean time its the Holidays. I'm going to hang out with Denise and Caro and have the best time. Wish I had more money though !

Something awful has happened. I was reading Beano last night which I pinched out of Jays room, I love the Beano even better than my Girls Crystal and Mum said I was wanted on the phone. I wondered who was ringing me and it was Denise. Caro was at the park on her own last night and some boys started swinging the Ranty really really high and she fell onto one of the handles and she is in Hospital. Broken ribs and they have taken her spleen out and she has internal bleeding. So awful, I just burst into tears.

Dad is taking me there to see her and we are picking up Denise on the way there. The Police shoud arrest those boys, the disgusting pigs. I hope she know who they are and can have them arressted. I can't believe it, my good and best friend Caroline. We were just out shopping last Saturday, arm in arm, walking up Westgate to Boots The Chemist. We bought 4711 cologne sachets together out of our pocket money. I bet I don't sleep tonight just thinking of her. Lying in a Hospital bed, bleeding inside her body, that's just awful, she could have died!

Dad took me and we all bought Caroline some grapes and flowers, she is so pale and in a lot of pain. She says you can live without your spleen but she is going to be in the Hospital for months ! Her Dad wasn't even there, he's such a drunk and I worry about her and who is going to take care of her ? She says she has to go to her Mum's after when she's better and live with her and the Pakky, can't happen. She had tears in her eyes when she told us.We left her there and she looked so sad but she said Paula is coming in later.

Denise and I went up town and then visited Marjorie Dawson at Eastmoor Estate. It's all neat and tidy with loads of flowered gardens and white paint everywhere. There are loads of these tiny streets and it looks like a lego land Estate, you expect Noddy and Big Ears to come out of one of the front doors. We found Marjories house and we went up to the common to the Fair. It was great, sideshows and rides, shooting galleries and Fairly Floss and ices.

We stayed all afternoon and we saw loads of girls and boys from School. Cuckoo was there and he wanted to come along with us so we all went on the Ferris Wheel and he had money and bought us hot chips and cod and we ate it sitting out on the grass on the common, sun streaming down and the music from the Funfair playing Supercalafragalisticexpialadocious and we were all trying to say it and laughing. We went back to Marjories and had tea. Salad with Heinz salad Cream and a scotch egg and a tomato each with vinegar and salt. Dandelion and Burdock to drink or Still Orange.

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