Our Aunty Betty

Without Prejudice

My Auntie Betty at 90, 04.07.2012

In Yorkshire every person is owned. I am "Our Janette", my Aunt Betty is "Our Aunty Betty", I have ni idea why, but she is our Aunty Betty and everyone should own one of these as she is love on a stick. I haven't had a Mum since I was 24 and Aunty Bet who was my Mothers older sister only has one son. So over the years Aunty Betty has become "our Mother". And we have become her extra 6 kids.She looks like Mum, she talks like Mum and she's 90 and off out dancing tonight with what she calls "the old folk".

My brother and I have been watching the Queens Jubilee and feeling very British, especially today as the Royal Barge sailed down the Thames. We rolled on the floor with laughter at the poor choir who were washed out as they sang Land Of Hope and Glory. All I said to my Brother as we watched the rain teeming down, was two words,
"English Summer",
and we howled. The poor choir were freezing by the looks but being stalwart British, kept right on singing even though the rain looked like it has turned to sleet. It showed up oon the camera lens that way anyway, and we would not have been surprised. The wetter the poor sods were the more we laughed. The poor Queen also looked frozen and I hope she was wearing thernals under her outfit. Maybe they had a little blow heater on board the barge, blowing warm air up her skirt.

What was so very British is that it didn't daunt the crowds, the Queen or the choir. My brothers Grandson rang from London and then he and I decided to ring Aunty Betty. Feeling so very British as we were. She always answers the phone with a wavering "Hallooooo"
I sang God Save Our Gracious Queen and she knew who it was straight away.

We took turns on the phone to her. She speaking in broad Yorkshire and she wants to know if Jade, my grand daughter got her message of love and support. She thinks of everyone, she does. I love her so very much. She's a true Brit, has the best practical advice I have ever heard, is one of the best cooks as she used to be in charge of School Dinners at St Thomas A Beckett in Wakefield Yorks.

I can't begin to describe her except to say she she is the most down to earth and loving woman I know. She always frets about me as I am single. As far as Aunty Bet is concerned I should be married again. Thats the only way she knows a woman should be, but is quietly happily single herself. Love her, may she be here for another twenty years at least. And God Save her And The Queen and The Queens Jubilee is just the Best   xoxox

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