My Big Boss 3

Without Prejudice

Once I had mastered that clunky old system there was no stopping me and I grabbed the accounts and processed them before Stenka did. I actually asked for her in basket and did them all from then on for a while.

I like a mix of roles and I loved just inputting data and ringing to expedite and chase up account and invoice queries. As everything comes back tp Purchasing sooner or later, it was good that I had raised a lot of the purchase orders myself, saved heaps of time and it meant I was busy which I love.

I found loads of mistakes and had to check back with the delivery men and some of the engineers that goods we had been invoice for had arrived. Or goods might have arrived and been sent back and a credit had to be claimed for. On one invoice alone there was a $12,000 mistake. So being the anal little me I hunted and pecked and scratched, until I found the answers and could finally send forward to Albury for payment.

Suppliers also get price wrong a lot of the time. There might be a discount offered for quantity and every invoice has to be checked and double checked for errors. Suppliers are keen to invoice and not keen to give credits, so if they were a bit slow with that, I would recommend that only the agreed price was paid and short pay the balance by the amount of the credit.

My old Boss at Maxicube was super vigilant like that and taught me the same. And I found that Suppliers love to charge freight on everything and most items were supposed to be Free In Store, or that Suppliers would add charges like account keeping fees of $5 or $10. You add up over 400 Suppliers per month adding those charges and then multiply by twelve months. The amount is enough to make you wince.

So I was loving the accounts function in the end as it kept me on my toes. The other sort of stuff like Purchasing went on the back burner for a while. Stenka, the little toad would come over and thank me profusely a lot but I just ignored her. I thought she was weird. Especailly when she said to me one day that I had an enormous "rack". I was washing my hands in the Ladies loo and wearing the god awful uniform top. I laughed and told her I hated it and she said and I quote,
"Wonder it fits over that bloody enormous rack of yours"

Big Boss said,
"Nice shirt!"
And I replied,
"At least I have something to fill it with !"
So he rang me on my desk phone later,
"Men don't have to fill their shirts"
" I know that, I just thought I'd wind you up"

One time he went past my desk and said ,
"You're label is sticking out at the back of your neck"
"Well it looks messy"
So I handed him a pair of scissors and said nothing and he cut it off for me. My Big Boss !
Another time he said my bra strap was showing,
"It looks untidy"
So I pushed it back up and it promptly fell down again, so I just laughed.

Another time he came over and read something I had pinned on my display board, when he turned around he saw a wet mark on my black top, spilled coffee or something,
" Looks like you are leaking", he said. And went to touch it and I recoiled in shock.

and I just stared at him, my eyes crossed and poked out my tongue.
He laughed and left me alone.

He went away and when he came back the first thing he said was,
"Did you get a house yet?"
"How did I know Bruckshaw, you wouldn't have a house?"

He was 10 years younger than me and I thought,
Enough was enough.
"I've been everywhere and there are 15 people there in front of me and anyway I have a bad credit rating!"
"because I just do, now how about you just let me sort it out!"
He was a man that didn't have issues like that, his life was so different to mine and I wanted to slap his smart arrogant face but I with held my temper,
"Prick!" Is what I thought, alright for him etc etc etc.

He gave me a look like somehow I was at fault for my homelessness and he was probably right but I didn't need to hear it.

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