The Simple Truths Can Be Very Elusive

Without Prejudice

How do you condense into words your simple truths? It's harder than you can ever imagine.When you have something to say. But how do you convey that in words? How can you explain heartache or or joy, simply and well.? A good writer can express it in a few words that can make you cry or make you laugh out loud. It can't come easy. It must be hours of thought, preparation, blood, sweat and tears. I know because I've tried. And tried. And tried.

One day happy with the words another unhappy. I am no longer aware that when I write others are viewing, judging, me or it. I have to write. It's a need, an ache, a want. It comes from inside my brain and outside of me as a physical person. It stretches beyond time and space, it just is.

I can't describe it except to say it's like breathing, not outside of me and not inside of me, it is me, just me. Me searching to define something, to explain it, in the remembering to enjoy it. The laughter, tears, the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and the cold heartless brittle stone cold of fact.

Where does it come from ? This yearning to write, to express feeling ? I have always known it and yet I denied it for so long. 22 years of silence, of not expressing it. And now it pours out of me like warm honey into a bowl, lit by sun, encased in amber, rich and full, wanting, praying for release. It's like my blood coursing through my veins and spilling out on to the paper in a thin steady stream.

I can't stop it, I can't understand it but it must be said and now, why now ????

Maybe it's time. Just time to tell my stories. When I see less years in front of me than I do behind. In the Autumn of life where death beckons with one bony finger and crooks it, telling me that the end will come one day as it does for all of us and that I don't fear it. I welcome it and hold it to my heart, embrace it and know it will happen. That the dark velvet richness of it will fall one day and my circle will be complete. Remembered by few or many ?

I'm not an Albert Einstein or A Marie Curie, my passing will mean so little to the vast world, but it will mean so much to those close and dear to me. But they will know that in the great divide and beyond I will be happy. That Mum and Dad and James and Lauren will be there before me and will greet me in warm embraces. That the sun will shine eternally, warm breezes blow on my bare skin.

That shivering and shaking I will be assessed for everything I have done and everything I have failed to do. And gladly I will step forward to be embraced, no longer struggling, no longer unsure, no longer shy, but sure and strong and brave I will step out, to the eternal peace that one day will belong to all of us.

Love Janette

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