Sex, the cane and naughty schoolgirls 2

Without Prejudice

His tongue inside my mouth feels strange, like having a curling twisting hunk of meat in there and although I should be disgusted it feels not too bad.
"Hey", shouts a voice.
Om my fucking God, it's Jenny and she's as red as a beetroot, shouting to the "boy"
"How old are you?"
"21", he replies.
"Well, she's only 12!"
And she grabs my hand and drags me out of the dance.

Of course I don't want to go.
"You're only 12", she says to me.
"Who do you think you are, Lolita?"
"What do you think you are doing?", she's screaming at me by now, all red in the face and panting.
"Having a good time, what do you think ?" I say back.
"I'm telling Mum and Dad".
"You brought me here, or don't you remember"

That shut her up for a bit and then the rest of our group, caught up with us. Jenny explained,
"I caught her kissing some 21 year old"
"Whats the matter, Jen, not having much fun yourself ?" I said. And ran towards Auntie Pam's house, I knew I'd get clouted for that.
"Little Miss Prim and Proper" I sang back at her and she came after me at a run. Her fat legs weren't as fast as mine, however and I made it back to Auntie Pam's way ahead of her. Auntie Pam was all smiles when I told and said to Jenny.
"Well you did dress her up as older!"
And I stuck out my tongue from behind Auntie Pam's back.

It was fun, it was blissful fun. I loved it, getting one over on Jenny, now maybe she'll leave me alone and stop treating me like a baby, when I'm not. I so want to be 18, 18 would be fab. I could drink and smoke and look elegant like my Mother did when she smoked out of a cigarette holder. The kiss has turned my head and every time I think of it, I get butterflies in my stomach, down low, a sort of cramping little thrill. I am definitely going to be doing it again.

And whats with Jenny, anyway, how many times has Mum made us, Dennis and I be her chaperone's at the Pictures at Southport. Freezing our butts off on those horrible canvas slings as the water sloshed beneath us through the cracks in the boards. And If we looked sideways there was Jenny with that 22 year old man and they were just about eating each other, slurping at each other. Ye Gods, it was ugly to watch.

She can go to hell. I'm doing what I want, she wanted me to go as she didn't want to go on her own and just because she didn't get anyone, ha; anyway I'm thirteen in September and I should be able to do what I want. I'm not a little kid any more. I've been kissed like a woman and I must now know everything there is to learn, just about !

Auntie Pam is like the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's outrageous. She has blue black curly hair, and brown almost black eyes, like a Gypsy. I feel sorry for her having to put up with Uncle Dave as he is always moaning on at her. I don't know how she stands it. I sit with her and we have afternoon tea, boiled bacon sliced thin with a tomato drizzled with vinegar and salt and Heinz Salad cream on a Hovis loaf. There's Yorkshire Parkin and malt loaf as well with more tea.

Mum and Dad say we have to go to Grandma's for a while and I am not happy about it. But I go. We have to go to our new school tomorrow and catch the bus from Grandmas. Mum's been to see her old school and it's really posh, a Grammar School. She won some exam to go there as her family was poor and it was a big deal in the family. Jay and I are to go there on trial and I have to have a blazer, tie, shirt, skirt, and something to put my books in. It sounds awful. Maybe I'll get sick and not have to go, I hope so.

Well, its worse than I imagined. The school is about a hundred years old with hymns at Assembly and Masters and Mistresses who all wear those big capes and mortar boards on their heads. They look like big crows floating down the corridors. The Head one is called The Boss or just Boss as in Yes, Boss, No Boss. He scares me half to death. He's so angry looking and stuck up. He has a cane in his Office and if you misbehave you get it across your bum. The only ones who wear normal clothes are the Junior Teachers and they wear corduroy a lot. Green corduroy jackets with Brown Leather patches on the sleeves.

I am put in Form 1 and everyone there has already been at school 5 and a half months and way ahead of me. They are already doing French and Algebra and I have no idea, none and I hate it. The classrooms are dark and I sit at the back and I am already short sighted as I found out and I am not wearing glasses, no way. I don't care that I can't see, French is boring anyway. How can this be happening, at Southport state I was top girl for 3 terms in a row and here I am bottom, a dunce. I should be sent to the corner with a pointed hat with a big letter D on my head.

I wait for Jay so I can catch the right bus home and of course the drip likes it here and I hate it. He told me at lunch, the big goon. We are on 3 months trial to make sure we are good enough for this place and I feel like bursting into tears. It's cold, patches of snow on the ground and I stamp my feet to keep them warm. Jay is no where to be seen and I wander down the long driveway on my own. Clouds are starting to gather and it looks like rain or sleet as they call the icy rain. I want to go home, I just want to go home. Back to Australia and not in this cold bloody hell.

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