A Real Life Ghost Story---A Story Of Faith

Without Prejudice

Six years ago my youngest daughter A, was desperate to be pregnant one last time. She had 3 healthy girls but for some reason wanted another. Wanted a fourth. Her chances were slim. She had polycystic ovaries that showed on scans as white scars with about 65 on each ovary. She knew that the task was virtually impossible.

She tried everything. Hormone treatment that left her weepy and moody was not successful. Being relaxed and not thinking about it was not successful. She visited the doctor. He said bluntly if she hadn't already had the three girls he would have said her chances of falling pregnant were virtually nil. Her ovaries too far gone with scarring to ever function properly again. But she wasn't happy with just three!

Ever since a teen, A, had not had regular periods, sometimes they were six weeks in between. Her cycles were never ever normal. After she had her last baby she didn't get a period for 8 months. She knew now what was causing it but that fact did nothing to stop her wanting another. Her Husband wanted her to be happy but he explained to her that they were lucky to have what they had. A, resigned herself to no more babies then and went back to work full time.

I was up in Queensland for 6 months at that time. I had rented a house in Scarborough and heard from the girls down South frequently. I was at my friend Helen Lowndes house in Queensland, Craig Lowndes Mum, when I received a call from A. She was crying her eyes out and I could barely make out what she was saying.

"I was pregnant Mum, I didn't even know, and I've had a miscarriage"
She was distraught beyond all measure.

She sobbed in to the phone and Helen and I took turns on the phone to her, talking it through. Saying all the right things, that she needed to hear. That she had 3 beautiful girls and that she should take heart in that and try not to be too upset. She was having a D and C the next morning after an Ultra Sound and was taking her sister Y with her.

I rang her from home and she told me exactly what had happened. She had been at work, and had a funny feeling, went to the loo and had a massive blood loss. She felt something come away from inside her and was horrified. She hadn't realised she was pregnant and here she was losing it. She was beside herself with grief. How could she have not known ? But her periods were irregular and came months apart at that stage.

She was so distraught she had been allowed to leave work early. She went home and told her Husband and cried for hours. Three was not her number, she wanted four, so desperately. She felt sad as she new she was so blessed. Other women out there who were unable to have any, she felt selfish. The worst part was not knowing she had been pregnant at all. Had she done something wrong? Fallen or not been careful, she racked her brain all night.

Tired and depressed she went off to the Ultra sound the next day. The feel of the gel was freezing on her stomach. She looked away from the screen, tears already forming in her eyes. She looked towards Y as the expert looked on the scrren at the Ultra sound. Y lifted her thumb at A.
"What?" A Mouthed.
"I see a heart beat, " Y whispered.
"What", A asked again, convinced she was hearing things.
"There's a heartbeat", Y whispered back.

And sure enough the baby was intact. She had had a massive bleed from the pocket of the uterine wall but the baby was intact, and alive, doing little flip fllops, swimming around. A was ecstatic and rang me immediately that she had the offical confirmation. The baby was alive and viable. Her joy was immense. So was her sisters and the lady that did the ultrasound. They all cried a tear then, but one of Joy.

It turned out that for a month A had carried around a photo of her younger Sister Lauren who had died years before. She had asked Lauren for help to have a baby, secretly. Just one more, and now her prayers had been answered. her faith had brought this baby in to being when there was virtually no chance. Her joy knew no bounds. In Lauren's bible had been marked a passage, just one.
"May my Joy remain in you, and may your Joy be full"

A's Joy that day was most certainly full.

A few months later she gave birth to a BOY, he sits at the top of this story. A picture of faith and hope and Joy. Love you Dylan Joseph ,

Love Janette

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