Brother Where Art Thou

Without Prejudice

I love the movie Brother Where Art Thou by the Coen Brothers. Mans endless search for perfection. It's loosely based on Homers Odyssey and is so witty and funny. The bluegrass music doesn't hurt it either. And as I write this my brother comes in to the study and says what are you doing? Art imitating life! And as ever I say don't look at my work and he does. Some things just never change.

My brother is here and just as ever is annoying and I snap. Anyway I think it's about time he found someone. His wife left him for a man that didn't work out and he has never trusted women since. I think that is a shame as he is only 60 and might live to a hundred and what is he going to do without a wife by his side. He will become insular and lonely and he says I talk shite.

He is probably right but I don't think so. People need people. They do as they age. It's nice to have someone who is your best friend. I will do the picking next time as he is shite at it. He can pick mine as I am also shite at it. Love you Georgie, this one's for you,

your annoying little Sister, Janette

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