Single,Sexy And Sassy

Without Prejudice

I can now walk the walk. I've always been able to talk the talk but now I can walk the walk and I feel like running or floating, flying through the air and barely touching ground. That's because I am in the sunshine of Brisbane and 24 kilos or more lighter than I was 12 months ago. I love being able to fit into dresses and skirts and jeans. There is nothing better for a woman.

I feel mentally lighter too. I know now I can get a Man for all the right reasons and choose for the while not to have one, not a whole one anyway. I do have one i love and adore, he knows who he is and that's all I need to say. He's there when I need him and that is all that matters.

Meanwhile I have the work and the "Works The Thing". I write every day now and it has to be ten thousnad words or I feel like I am cheating my readers. The best state a Writer can get to is "Getting to Flow" and flow is when it all comes together and you are happy. The words flow out in cohesion and not a messy undirected bunch of facts.

You can feel flow, you are at pains to get it right, to convey what you feel to the blank page. It's also the daily discipline of hours of work. I love it. I can't imagine not writitng now. It's my voice. And it's me.Me for once in my life, not me, the Mother, Not Me, The Sister, Aunt, Grandma, Friend, Lover, It's just me. Freedom of speech is a wondefrul thing as long as you have tact, as well. It seems half my life I have been dutiful and earnest, now I want to be funny and ridiculous, teasing and flirty.

I want the free as a bird me,  that wants to travel to great places, read the good works of others, see the paintings, feel the joy. I want to run into the arms of my life and feel welcomed there, hugged there, kissed there. To be myself with all my faults and foibles, my voice cracks with emotion when I think about it. I want to dine at the sumptuous table of life, relax there, dine there in warm ambient light, listen to the music there.

I want to dance and sing as a free spirit, run naked down the halls of my memories, swim in warm waters with a kind tide, no tugs, rips or backwash. I want to swim under a full moon and feel desire pressing at my spine, buffeted on wave after wave of languidity. Feel the heaviness of the sandy bottom at my feet, the waves of lustfulness lifting my bare body. offered to the Moon.

I am in my fifties and feel as carefree as a child. My second coming has begun, not in a religious way but in a second chance way, second breath way, second childhood way. No wonder people seek second even third chances. To start anew, born to a new day, with hope and relief at having come this far and no longer having to compromise at life. To be who you are, what you are and to not condemn, judge or perfect all the time.

To just Be. To float and sail with the current not against, to be satisfied and not wanting. To be whole and not a part of a person. To relax not speaking,  at one with nature,  and good company. To not struggle and strain, to accept, to forgive and find the peace in Silent reverie. I am Me and I am contented as never before. Still will come days of rancour and vexation, false friends, unkind barbs, but may this time, this peace be forever stored at the base of my spine to treat ills when they come.

To accept and not try to change others or things. To know of love and how to love as easily as breathing or taking a glass of water.I am me and I am right at this moment, so very very happy.

Love Janette

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