Alena ---A Queen
Without Prejudice
Alena Jane Hancock
She was 9lb 3oz born, A plump cheeked Eskimo of a baby, born with oedema which drained away within days and frightened the doctors. I knew it was normal as it had happened with the first two of my babies. Fluid only that would right itself the minute I went home. And it did. She was my third and as expected the perfect baby who ate and slept. Breast fed until nine months and I had to put her on a diet at ten weeks as she gained quickly. She was the most heavenly of all my babies. Contented.
She grew into a delightful toddler who was all go and all smiles. She was never unhappy even when teething. Once she found her feet she took off into life at a whirlwind pace. She would trip fall and get straight back up and laugh. By fifteen months she was hell on wheels. She would wake up with a smile and say'
"I woked up now " , with delight.
She walked the quickest, talked the quickest and the only thing that kept her alive I think was her ability to sleep long and peacefully. Once she was awake she lived life at a break neck speed. We had to put the kitchen timer on to make her sit still to eat. She wanted to be up and running all the time. Alena does not understand the word, no or can't. She never ever will. She is naturally lucky like her Dad.
When she smiles the room lights up and when she cries the world is in shadow. Everyone loves Alena, she has a heart of gold and helps everyone. She has three daughters just as gorgeous as she and lastly a little boy who came along out of nowhere like a miracle. May she always live a charmed life, my little "Hell on Wheels", she rules over her hubby and Family like the Queens she is and always will be.
Love Mum xoxo